pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 4 April 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1814
The role of profitability in mediating the influence of funding
decisions, investment decisions and company size on company
I Nyoman Suardhika
, Siti Aisyah Hidayati
, Nur Aida Arifah Tara
Universitas Mataram, Indonesia
Corporate Value; funding
decisions; Investment
Decisions; Company Size;
This study aims to examine the effect of profitability in
mediating the influence of funding decisions, investment
decisions, and company size on the Company's value in 27
companies in the infrastructure sector listed on the IDX
Main Board for 2017 to 2022. The results showed that
funding decisions had a negative insignificant effect, while
investment decisions and company size significantly
negatively affected profitability. Furthermore, funding
decisions, investment decisions, and profitability have a
significant positive effect, while company size has a positive
insignificant effect on company value. In the mediation
effect test, it was found that profitability could not mediate
the influence of funding decisions on company value.
However, profitability is stated to mediate the influence of
investment decisions and company size on company value.
Business competition in the current era of information disclosure is very tight
because the number of companies continues to grow. Every company must always
develop its business by innovating continuously, increasing its advantages, and choosing
the right business strategy. (Brigham & Houston, 2013) explain that financial
management aims to create value for shareholders by maximising stock prices. Company
value is the company's performance which is reflected by stock prices formed by capital
market demand and supply which reflects people's assessment of the company's
performance. Explain that the main factors that affect company value are revenue,
operating expenses and taxes, new investments needed, funding decisions, investment
decisions, market risk, company risk, and interest rates. Revenue, as the first factor, is
influenced by sales, price, and growth rate, as well as the expected size of the company.
Operating expenses and taxes, as the second factor, can reduce income so that it becomes
after-tax profits. The third influencing factor is the amount of money that must be invested
by the company each year.
The results of previous studies that show the influence of funding decisions,
investment decisions, company size, and profitability on company value include
(Wahyuni & Amanati, 2019), (Endri, 2020), (Agung, Hasnawati, & Huzaimah, 2021),
The role of profitability in mediating the influence of funding decisions, investment decisions
and company size on company value
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1815
(Triani & Tarmidi, 2019), (Muliana & Ikhsani, 2019), (Dewi & Abundanti, 2019),
(Sondakh, 2019), and (Ramdhonah, Solikin, & Sari, 2019). (Wahyuni & Amanati, 2019)
stated that funding decisions have a positive and significant effect on company value,
while (Endri, 2020) found that funding decisions do not directly influence company value.
(Agung et al., 2021) concluded that Investment Decisions have a significant positive
effect on company value, while found that investment decisions do not significantly affect
company value. Company size has a negative and insignificant effect on company value
(Muliana & Ikhsani, 2019), while (Dewi & Abundanti, 2019) found that company size
has a positive and significant effect on company value. (Sondakh, 2019) states that
profitability has no effect and is not significant on the company's value. Profitability is
stated to have a positive effect on company value (Ramdhonah et al., 2019).
In addition, research that shows the role of profitability in mediating the influence
of each funding decision, investment decision, and company size on company value
includes (Rahmiyati, Wardani, & Hwihanus, 2022) stated that profitability can mediate
the influence of funding decisions on company value, while according to (Rosario &
Subardjo, 2021) profitability is unable to mediate the influence of funding decisions on
company value. Profitability is stated to be able to mediate the influence of investment
decisions on company value (Hairudin et al., 2022), while according to (Kusaendri &
Mispiyanti, 2022), profitability is not able to mediate the influence of investment
decisions on company value. (Muliana & Ikhsani, 2019) Stated that profitability is not
able to mediate the effect of company size on company value. In contrast, according to
(Octaviany, Hidayat, & Miftahudin, 2019) profitability is able to mediate the influence of
company size on company value.
Testing of company value related to funding decisions, investment decisions,
company size, and profitability is very important, especially by testing the effect of
profitability as a mediating variable in the influence of funding decisions, investment
decisions, and company size on company value in infrastructure sector companies listed
on the IDX Main Board in 2024 in the financial year 2017 to 2022. The infrastructure
sector companies listed on the Main Board have the largest financial size and
capitalization and have a good financial track record. As of January 12, 2024, there are
69 infrastructure sector companies listed on the IDX and 36 companies or 50.17 percent
of them are companies listed on the Main Board and the infrastructure sector is the second
largest sector with 13.6.9 percent according to the sector weight and IDX index points for
November 2023. This sector is below the financial sector with a weight of 35.2 percent
and above basic materials as the third largest sector with a weight of 12.2 percent.
As per the trade-off theory, company management must take into account taxes,
agency fees and financial hardship costs as well as assumptions of market efficiency and
symmetric data as a balance and benefit of using debt. The use of debt in funding
decisions will limit company management to run company operations more carefully.
Research conducted by (Fajartania and Utiyati, 2018) resulted in the conclusion that
additional debt will increase the company's net income. This shows that the stated capital
structure (funding decisions) has a positive and significant effect on profitability. The
I Nyoman Suardhika, Siti Aisyah Hidayati, Nur Aida Arifah Tara
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1816
results of this study support research by Hamidy, et al., (2015), which states that funding
decisions have a positive and significant effect on profitability.
Hypothesis 1: Funding Decisions positively affect Profitability
Agency theory explains that there is a separation of functions, namely in the
management carried out by company management and the ownership function by
shareholders. The main concern of agency theory is that all actions of company
management in the management function must have a real impact that can be felt so that
they are able to make continuous improvements (Mitnick, 2015). (Wahidahwati, 2021)
explained that if companies are able to determine and utilize their investment
opportunities well, profitability will increase. This shows that investment decisions have
a positive effect on profitability. The results of this study support the research of Setiawan
and Sudiro (2019) which states that investment decisions have a positive and significant
effect on profitability.
Hypothesis 2: Investment Decisions Positively Affect Profitability
According to signaling theory, investors will interpret all available information in
the company's financial statements. The size of the company will give a positive signal
to investors that large companies have great potential to develop so that they can provide
maximum profits in a sustainable manner. (Dewi & Abundanti, 2019) stated that the size
of the company will increase profitability so that the size of the company is stated to have
a positive and significant effect on profitability. The research supports the research of
(Octaviany et al., 2019) which found that company size has a positive and significant
effect on profitability.
Hypothesis 3: Company Size positively affects Profitability
The use of debt in funding decisions can show investors that a company has
adequate risk-based governance. This condition is related to signaling theory, where
shareholders can interpret management performance through financial statements,
namely by analyzing funding decisions and profits generated. Hamidy, et al., (2015)
found that additional debt to expand the business will increase the company's stock price,
so it is stated that funding decisions (capital structure) have a positive and significant
effect on company value. The results of this study support the research of (Ardiana &
Chabachib, 2018) which states that funding decisions have a positive effect on company
Hypothesis 4: Funding Decisions positively affect Company Value
Company management must optimally take into account every aspect that can
increase profits when designing strategies in the context of making investment decisions.
Adequate investment decisions can ensure the development of the company and profit
generation in a sustainable manner so that the company's value can continue to be
increased. Investors can catch these positive signals (signaling theory) by analyzing the
information available in the company's financial statements. Sari and Subardjo (2020)
found that the quantity of investment shows the growth of a company and is expected to
provide profits, so that investment decisions are declared to have a positive and significant
effect on company value. The results of this study are supported by the results of research
The role of profitability in mediating the influence of funding decisions, investment decisions
and company size on company value
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1817
by (Hairudin et al., 2022) which found that investment decisions have a positive and
significant effect on company value.
Hypothesis 5: Investment Decisions positively affect Company Value
Companies with high asset values can attract greater attention because investors
assess that companies with large asset values are in healthy condition. In addition,
investors have a tendency to put trust in large-scale companies because they are
considered to have easy access to capital to run their business. According to signaling
theory, the ease of accessing capital shows that the company has great potential to develop
because it has flexibility in managing its operations. Research conducted by (Dewi &
Abundanti, 2019) and (Ardiana & Chabachib, 2018) found that company size has a
positive and significant effect on company value.
Hypothesis 6: Company Size positively affects Company Value
Profitability is the end result of a series of policies and decisions established and
implemented by the company. Conditions where there is an increase in sales without an
increase in costs indicate that the realized profit must increase over the previous period.
The higher the company's profitability growth, the better the assessment of the company's
financial performance and prospects. According to signaling theory, these conditions can
provide positive signals to investors so that the company's value increases. Salim and
Susilowati (2019) found that companies that have high profitability tend to attract
investors' attention so that it is stated that profitability has a positive and significant effect
on company value. The results of this study are in line with (Ramdhonah et al., 2019)
who found that profitability has a positive effect on company value.
Hypothesis 7: Profitability positively affects Company Value
High profitability indicates that the company has adequate funding decisions to
support its investment activities in order to generate profits. According to signaling
theory, the company's success in posting profits can be seen by investors as management's
success in managing funding decisions. This condition can increase the value of the
company because the company has the potential to provide profits in the future. Hamidy,
et al., (2015) found that increased debt by companies can increase net income thereby
increasing profitability and increasing demand for shares. Increased demand for company
shares drives up share prices while increasing company value. The results of this study
are supported by (Rahmiyati et al., 2022) who stated that profitability is able to mediate
the influence of funding decisions on company value.
Hypothesis 8: Profitability can mediate the effect of Funding Decisions on Company
According to signaling theory, the ability to generate profits from investment
implementation can increase company value because it is seen by investors as
management's success in determining company investment decisions in order to develop
the company and provide welfare for its shareholders. (KUMALASARI, 2020) found that
the more investment the company makes, the profitability will increase. The increase in
profitability drives an increase in the value of the company. The results of this study are
I Nyoman Suardhika, Siti Aisyah Hidayati, Nur Aida Arifah Tara
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1818
supported by (Hairudin et al., 2022) who stated that profitability is able to mediate the
influence of investment decisions on company value.
Hypothesis 9: Profitability is able to mediate the influence of Investment Decisions
on Company Value
The success of the company in posting good performance can be explained by the
size of the company as seen from the total assets owned. According to signaling theory,
the ease of accessing capital by large companies shows that the company has great
potential to develop and provide profits in a sustainable manner so as to increase the
company's value in the eyes of investors. (Octaviany et al., 2019) found that the ability of
large companies to expand the market in order to obtain profits can attract the attention
of investors to invest their capital. This condition encourages an increase in stock prices,
which has an impact on increasing the value of the company. The results of this study
support the research of (Dewi & Abundanti, 2019) which states that profitability is able
to mediate the influence of company size on company value.
Hypothesis 10: Profitability can mediate the effect of Company Size on Company
Research Methods
The population in this study is all infrastructure sector companies listed on the IDX
in January 2024, which is 69 companies. Determination of samples using the purposive
sampling method with the criteria of infrastructure sector companies listed on the IDX
Main Board in January 2024 and publishing financial statements consecutively from 2017
to 2022 so that research samples of 27 companies were obtained.
According to Harmono (2009: 233), company value is the company's performance
which is reflected by stock prices formed by capital market demand and supply which
reflects the public's assessment of the company's performance. The variable company
value in this study is measured using Price to Books Value (PBV) by dividing the stock
price by the book value of the stock. (Brigham & Houston, 2013) stated that the PBV
ratio provides an indication of how investors value companies, namely companies with
low risk and high growth rates have high PBV ratios.
The funding decision is the company's obligation to obtain funds in order to finance
investments Brealy et al., (2001). The funding decision variables in this study were
measured using the Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio (LTDER). LTDER is used to
measure how much a company's capital can be used as collateral for long-term debt by
dividing the total long-term debt by the company's total equity. The higher the value
obtained, the greater the risk to the company's liquidity.
Investment decisions are financial decisions taken by company management in
terms of purchasing and managing company assets in order to record profits (Brealy et
al., 2011). Investment decision variables in this study are measured using Price Earning
Ratio (PER) which is calculated by dividing stock price by earnings per share. Explain
that PER indicates what price investors will pay from the profit reported by company
The role of profitability in mediating the influence of funding decisions, investment decisions
and company size on company value
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1819
The size of the company can provide an idea of the scale of a company and can be
seen through the company's total assets. According to Handayani and Rachadi (2009),
large and medium-scale companies are pressured by stakeholders to be able to meet
investor expectations in order to have high performance. The company size variable in
this study is measured using total assets that reflect the company's growth rate as well as
profitable business prospects.
The company is a profit-seeking entity and is required to generate a large profit with
the aim of maximizing the wealth of its shareholders. Profitability is the end result of a
series of policies and decisions established and implemented by the company. The
company's ability to generate profits and maximize shareholder wealth can show that
management has the capability to develop operational scale (company size) through
financial decisions in the form of funding decisions and investment decisions carried out.
The profitability variable in this study is measured using Return on Assets (ROA). This
ratio reflects the net result of all company financial decisions and is calculated by dividing
net income by the company's total assets (Brigham &; Houston, 2019).
Figure 1 Research Model
= α +
+ e……………………………………….…..
= α +
+ β
+ e………………………………….….
a = Konstanta
β = Koefisin regresi
Y = Company Value (PBV)
X1 = Funding Results (LTDER)
X2 = Investment Decision (PER)
X3 = Company Size (Total Assets)
Z = Profitability (ROA)
e = Residual rate or error
I Nyoman Suardhika, Siti Aisyah Hidayati, Nur Aida Arifah Tara
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1820
The data analysis technique in this study is panel data regression model analysis.
This study used two equation models. The first equation is used to determine the influence
of the independent variable on the mediation variable. The second equation is used to see
the effect of the independent variable and the mediation variable on the dependent
variable. To determine the effect of mediation on the influence of the independent
variable on the dependent variable, testing was carried out with the Sobel Test.
Results and Discussion
The descriptive statistical results in this study can be explained by the mean value,
standard deviation, variance, maximum and minimum of each variable.
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics of Variables
R (%)
Source: Research Data, 2024
Keterangan: PBV = Price to Book Value, LTDER = Long Term Debt to Equity
Ratio, PER= Price to Earning Ratio, ROA = Return on Asset.
Price to Book Value (PBV) has an average value (mean) of 163.5 percent, a median
of 109.9 percent, a maximum value of 1,265.0 percent, a minimum value of 13.6 percent,
and a standard deviation value of 172.9 percent. Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio
(LTDER) has a mean value of 0.77 percent, a median of 0.46 percent, a maximum value
of 6.41 percent, a minimum value of 0.00 percent, and a standard deviation value of 0.93
percent. Price to Earn Ratio (PER) has a mean value of 552,449.8 percent, a median of
1,420.7 percent, a maximum value of 19,402.9 percent, a minimum value of -133.3
percent, and a standard deviation value of 2,878,495.0 percent. Total assets have a mean
value of 29,670.19 billion rupiah, a median of 6,908.44 billion rupiah, a maximum value
of 277,184.00 billion rupiah, a minimum value of 1.31 billion rupiah, and a standard
deviation value of 49,273.79 billion rupiah. ROA has a mean value of 0.04 percent, a
median of 0.03 percent, a maximum value of 0.21 percent, a minimum value of -0.43
percent, and a standard deviation value of 0.07 percent.
The role of profitability in mediating the influence of funding decisions, investment decisions
and company size on company value
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1821
The regression equation of Model 1 panel data is used to determine the effect of
independent variables (PER, LTDER, Total Assets) on mediating variables (ROA).
= α +
Total Aset
+ e ………………………
Table 2
Model 1 Regression Test Results
Std. Error
The results of the Model 1 regression test in Table 2, show the value of the
regression coefficient of the Funding Decision variable (LTDER) of -0.076 indicates a
negative influence. The significance of the Funding Decision (LTDER) variable is
indicated by the value of prob. 0.214, where the value is > 0.05 so it is known that funding
decision variables have an insignificant effect on profitability. According to the test
results, it can be concluded that funding decision variables have a negative and
insignificant effect on profitability so that Hypothesis 1 of the study is rejected. Trade-off
theory explains that factors such as taxes, agency fees and financial hardship costs as well
as assumptions of market efficiency and symmetric information must be taken into
account as a balance and benefit of using debt. One of the factors that causes a decrease
in profits which ultimately reduces ROA is the use of debt in a larger portion to increase
the number of non-current assets. The use of high debt to increase the amount of non-
current assets, especially in the form of fixed assets, incurs costs in the form of
maintenance costs and security costs which directly reduce the amount of profit obtained.
The value of the regression coefficient of the Investment Decision (PER) variable
of -0.677 indicates a negative influence. The significance of investment decision variables
is indicated by the value of prob. 0.000, where the value is < 0.05 so it is known that
investment decision variables have a significant effect on profitability. According to the
test results, it can be concluded that investment decision variables have a negative but
significant effect on profitability so that Hypothesis 2 of the study is rejected. Agency
theory states that company management has the obligation to make strategic investment
decisions in order to maximize company profits. However, the fact and/or possibility that
managers have a vested interest may decrease financial performance in order to achieve
these goals. If management takes a policy to increase the portion of its investment in non-
current assets, especially fixed assets, then the company's ability to develop business
while increasing profitability will decrease. High investment in fixed assets will incur
depreciation costs, maintenance costs, and asset security costs. These costs can directly
reduce the profits that have been recorded.
I Nyoman Suardhika, Siti Aisyah Hidayati, Nur Aida Arifah Tara
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1822
The value of the regression coefficient of the Company Size variable (Total assets)
of -0.510 indicates a negative influence. The variable significance of the size of the
company is indicated by the value of prob. 0.000, where the value is < 0.05 so it is known
that the variable size of the company has a significant effect on profitability. According
to the test results, it can be concluded that the variable size of the company has a negative
but significant effect on profitability so that Hypothesis 3 of the study is rejected. A
company with a large asset value does not guarantee its ability to make a profit. This
happens if the asset is not managed to develop the scale of the business and operations in
order to generate profits. Companies with large scale have the advantage of a higher
ability to access capital and sources of funds. However, if management does not utilize
the funds owned to develop the company's business, the goal of maximizing company
profits cannot be achieved.
The regression equation of Model 2 panel data is used to determine the effect of
independent variables (PER, LTDER, Total Assets) and mediation variables (ROA) on
dependent variables (PBV).
α +
+ β
Total Aset
+ e…………
Table 3
Model 2 Regression Test Results
Std. Error
The results of the Model 2 regression test in Table 3, show the value of the
regression coefficient of the Funding Decision variable (LTDER) of 0.102 shows that
there is a positive influence with a significance value of 0.014, where the value is < 0.05
so that it is known that the funding decision variable has a significant effect on the value
of the company. According to the test results, it can be concluded that funding decision
variables have a positive and significant effect on company value so that Hypothesis 4 of
the study is accepted. As per the trade-off theory, the use of debt can reduce tax costs and
agency costs that must be borne by the company thereby increasing net income. Investors
can view that the policy to use debt is one of the company's strategies in developing its
business scale. This is related to signaling theory, where the strategy can provide positive
signals to investors about the direction of company development and promised profit
prospects. Positive signals received by investors can directly increase the value of the
company owned.
The value of the regression coefficient of the Investment Decision (PER) variable
of 0.404 indicates that there is a positive influence. The significance of investment
The role of profitability in mediating the influence of funding decisions, investment decisions
and company size on company value
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1823
decision variables is indicated by the value of prob. 0.000, where the value is < 0.05 so it
is known that investment decision variables have a significant effect on the value of the
company. According to the test results, it can be concluded that investment decision
variables have a positive and significant effect on company value so that Hypothesis 5 of
the study is accepted. In accordance with agency theory, company management has the
obligation to manage all the information it has in order to produce strategic investment
decisions that can provide maximum benefits to shareholders. Management's policy to
increase the portion of investment in order to develop the scale of its business and
operations shows that the company has the right plan in order to maximize profits and
improve shareholder welfare. According to signaling theory, promising investment
prospects can provide positive signals to investors so as to increase company value.
The value of the regression coefficient of the Company Size variable (Total assets)
of 0.095 shows that there is a positive influence with a significance value of 0.141, where
the value is > 0.05 so it is known that the company size variable has a positive but not
significant effect on the value of the company. According to the test results, it can be
concluded that the company size variable has a positive but not significant effect on
company value so that Hypothesis 6 of the study is rejected. An increase in asset value
can provide a positive signal for investors when asset value is considered as the company's
ability to provide guarantees in the form of financial stability and profit prospects through
its investment activities so that the company's value increases. However, an increase in
non-current assets, especially fixed assets, can give negative signals to investors, because
it can be understood as the company's lack of vision to develop and the failure to achieve
profit maximization so that the company's value decreases.
The value of the Profitability regression coefficient (ROA) of 0.535 indicates a
positive influence. The value of prob indicates the variable significance of profitability.
0.000, where the value is < 0.05, so it is known that the variable profitability has a
significant effect on the company's value. According to the test results, it can be
concluded that profitability variables have a positive and significant effect on company
value, so Hypothesis 7 of the study is accepted. The main objective of corporate financial
management is to generate maximum profits to maximise shareholders' welfare.
According to signalling theory, the company's ability to generate profits can be presented
in the annual financial statements and provide positive signals to investors so that the
company's value increases.
Sobel Test was conducted to determine the mediating effect of profitability
variables (ROA) on the influence of each variable of funding decision (LTDER),
investment decision (PER), and company size (Total Assets) on company value variables
(PBV). The p-value in the Sobel Test to test the effect of LTDER on PBV through ROA
as a mediating variable is 0.215 or greater than the significance value of 0.05. The
conclusion obtained is that ROA is not able to mediate the effect of LTDER on PBV, so
Hypothesis 8 of the study was rejected. The company's decision to raise new capital using
debt and avoiding stock sales can be assessed by investors as a promising business
prospect (Brigham & Houston, 2013). Investors can interpret that debt cannot affect
I Nyoman Suardhika, Siti Aisyah Hidayati, Nur Aida Arifah Tara
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1824
profits directly in a certain period. The company's decision to use debt in its funding
decisions can directly give a positive signal to investors so that the value of the company
increases without considering profitability that has not yet been determined.
The p-value in the Sobel Test to test the effect of PER on PBV through ROA as a
mediating variable is 0.000 or less than the significance value of 0.05. The conclusion
obtained is that ROA can mediate the effect of PER on PBV, so Hypothesis 9 of the study
is accepted. Based on signalling theory, an increase or decrease in profits can give positive
or negative signals to investors about the company's financial performance to manage its
investment decisions. Investment decisions that can provide maximum profits can
provide positive signals and increase company value. This shows that profitability can
mediate the influence of investment decisions on company value.
The p-value in the Sobel Test to test the effect of Total Assets on PBV through
ROA as a mediating variable is 0.000 or less than the significance value of 0.05. The
conclusion obtained is that ROA can mediate the effect of Total Assets on PBV, so
Hypothesis 10 of the study is accepted. Large-scale companies are seen as having strength
in maintaining financial stability to increase the promised profit potential. According to
the signalling theory, these conditions can give positive signals to investors. This shows
that profitability can mediate the effect of company size on company value.
In Table 4, it shows that model conformity testing or F test is carried out to find out
whether the model to be used falls into the fit criteria or not. If the value of F calculate
sig. < 0.05, the regression model is declared fit or feasible (meets the BLUE criteria).
Conversely, if the value of F calculate sig. > 0.05 then the regression model is declared
infeasible. The F-statistic value of model 1 is known to be 70.871 and model 2 is 22.241.
The probability value of models 1 and 2 is 0.000 or less than 0.05 respectively so that it
can be concluded that these two regression models are declared feasible or fit meet the
criteria of BLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimator).
Table 4
F Test Results
Prob (F-statistic)
Model 1
Model 2
Table 5 shows the coefficient of determination (R²) which aims to measure how far
the model is used to explain the variation of the dependent variable. The results of the
regression coefficient determination test model 1 which aims to test the effect of LTDER,
PER, and Total Assets on ROA produce an output Adjusted R squared value of 0.613 or
61.30 percent. This shows that the independent variables together affect the mediation
variable by 61.30 percent, while the remaining 38.70 percent are influenced by other
variables that are not included in the research model. The results of the regression
determination coefficient test model 2 which aims to test the effect of LTDER, PER, Total
Assets, and ROA on PBV produce an Adjusted R-squared value output of 0.391 or 39.10
The role of profitability in mediating the influence of funding decisions, investment decisions
and company size on company value
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1825
percent. This shows that the independent variable and the mediation variable together
affect the dependent variable by 39.10 percent. In comparison, the remaining 60.90
percent is influenced by other variables that are not included in the research model.
Table 5
Coefficient of Determination Test Results
Adjusted R-squared
Model 1
Model 2
The results showed that each dependent variable (LTDER, PER, Total Assets) used
negatively influenced the mediation variable (ROA), with LTDER having an insignificant
effect and PER and Total Assets having a significant effect. Furthermore, LTDER, PER,
Total Assets, and ROA are known to have a positive effect on PBV. However, only Total
Assets have an insignificant effect. ROA is stated to be able to mediate the effect of each
PER and Total Assets on PBV, but unable to mediate the effect of LTDER on PBV. These
results can be obtained because previously, researchers assumed that an increase in each
independent variable (LTDER, PER, Total Assets) and mediation variables (ROA) can
increase company value (PBV).
The research period is in the 2017-2022 financial year with a sample of
infrastructure sector companies listed on the IDX Main Board and publishing consecutive
financial statements for six years. In that period, the Covid-19 pandemic had a significant
impact on global finance. Company management must provide the best financial
performance on an ongoing basis by always taking into account the development of the
global financial situation. Further research can extend the period of the financial year
studied to enlarge the data to be tested so as to obtain more comprehensive test results.
I Nyoman Suardhika, Siti Aisyah Hidayati, Nur Aida Arifah Tara
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1826
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