pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 4 April 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1828
Strategies to Build Customer Trust Based on Service Quality
and Relationship Quality: Anchorage Study in Riau Islands
Rosita Septiani
, Syafriza
Universitas Andalas Sumatra Utara, Indonesia
Customer trust, quality of
service, quality of
This study examines the potential of anchor anchor services
in Riau Islands Province (Kepri), focusing on service quality
and customer relationships that can affect the satisfaction of
anchor anchor service users. Data from a survey of 100
vessels using anchor berthing services in Kabil Kepri waters
shows that the quality of service and customer relationships
significantly affect customer satisfaction. The regression
analysis results show that service quality and relationship
quality simultaneously contribute significantly to customer
satisfaction, with the value of the coefficient of
determination reaching 68%. Service quality has a more
significant influence than relationship quality on customer
satisfaction. The implications of this study show that quality
service and good customer relations can increase customer
satisfaction when using anchor services. The conclusion of
this study emphasises the need for a comprehensive strategy
to improve service quality and customer relations in
anchorage management in Riau Islands waters. Suggestions
for further research are further exploration of more
representative indicators of service quality and customer
relations and increased academic studies in port marketing,
primarily related to anchorage objects.
Data from the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment (2020)
states that Indonesia is an archipelagic country, with 70% of its area covering the ocean.
Naturally, maritime becomes a mainstay for economic growth. Also, with the second
longest coastline after Canada, Indonesian waters have the potential for maritime services
as an international ship traffic flow. Meanwhile, there are 2154 ports in Indonesia, but
they are still poorly managed. Source Belinda. Co. is based on data from the results of the
2023 Logistics Performance Index (LPI) release; Indonesia plunged 17 places from rank
46 (2018) to rank 63 (2023), with a decrease in score from 3.15 to 3.0. According to the
World Bank, the LPI is an index based on survey results on perceptions of logistics actors
Strategies to Build Customer Trust Based on Service Quality and Relationship Quality:
Anchorage Study in Riau Islands
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1829
The data above shows the potential of Indonesia's territorial waters as the world's
leading shipping lane. However, with great work to improve port conditions, it can
provide services that service users worldwide can trust. (Liu, Yang, & Liu, 2017) The
density level of Indonesian shipping lanes on a reasonably dense scale, especially in the
Malacca Strait service lanes, can be seen with thick red lines indicating dense shipping
activities. The Strait of Malacca is in the contours of a narrow stretch of water, only 580
miles long, between Peninsular Malaysia and the Indonesian island of Sumatra. However,
the strait is the main shipping lane between the Indian and Pacific oceans and, as such, is
one of the most important and busiest shipping lanes in the world. The Strait of Malacca
connects Asia's three largest economies: Arabia, China, Japan and Korea. It also plays a
fundamental role in connecting Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines,
Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan, and India. The Strait of Malacca serves a quarter of global
ocean trade, handling about 50,000 ships a year.
The speed of ship traffic flow in the Malacca Strait is a potential for Riau Islands
Province (Kepri) in the lane. This potential is supported legally by Law No. 32 of 2004
concerning Regional Government, which gives local governments authority in port
management and divides government affairs in shipping to the Government, Provincial
Government and Regency / City Government. Kepri Province, with almost 96% of its
territory in the sea and small islands, has a relatively high regional income potential from
receiving Labuh Anchorkar services. Some areas, including Batam (Galang Island),
Nipah Island, and Tanjung Balai Karimun, are large business development areas for
regional income. Heavy traffic and many ships need a particular sea space area for
anchorage (ship parking) to carry out activities waiting for cargo contracts, making minor
repairs, waiting for buyers (ships are sold), carrying out loading and loading activities
between ships without going through the dock. The potential of anchor anchorage in
Kepri Province is very high, reaching Rp 6 trillion.
The management of anchor berths in the marine sector itself is by the mandate of
Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government and Regional Regulation
(PERDA) of Riau Islands Province Number 9 of 2017 concerning the second amendment
to Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2012 concerning Regional Retribution of Riau
Islands Province. Moreover, the management of anchor berths has been included in the
Regional Regulations.
The Kepri Regional Government, as a relatively new anchor service manager, must
be able to provide services that provide satisfaction. In this paper, the author proposes the
importance of providing quality services and managing good relationships with customers
to achieve customer satisfaction. Analysis of service quality and customer satisfaction is
abundant in scientific journals, such as Yeo et al. (2015) research on ports in South Korea
(Phan et al., 2021) in the context of ports in Vietnam (Najiyah & Dachyar, 2021) for port
service analysis in Indonesia. However, customer relations are still minimal in the study.
(Sarmento, Simões, & Farhangmehr, 2015), Managing interaction processes is very
relevant in industrial marketing and business-to-business situations. Relational marketing
(relationship marketing) is very relevant to be discussed in service marketing. Most
Rosita Septiani, Syafriza
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1830
service businesses have high attachment and interaction between customers and service
providers. So, the marketing approach that is only transactional marketing with the target
of high sales in the short term becomes less supportive of service business practices.
Relational marketing emphasises customer recruitment and maintenance (retention)
through improving a company's relationship with its customers.
Anchorage is when a ship in berthing condition releases anchor with a specific
purpose, such as waiting for a guide to enter the port or carrying out other tactical and
emergency actions (Liu et al., 2017). In the condition of the anchor berth, the port
manager performs services that are adjusted to the conditions or needs of the ship
anchored. Here lies the importance of quality anchor anchor services and customer
relationships that can provide service user satisfaction after accessing anchor anchor
Based on the above phenomenon, until now, for cases in Indonesia, it is still scarce
to discuss how the Kepri Provincial Government government and anchor business actors
utilise the potential of anchor services to be managed optimally to create ports providing
consumer satisfaction with the quality of service reliability and shipping customer
relationships in Indonesia.
Quality of Service
(Apriyanti, Surya, & Lutfi, 2017) Service is any action or activity offered by a party
to another party that is intangible and does not result in any ownership. Service is the
behaviour of producers in order to meet customer needs and desires and achieve customer
satisfaction. Research in the field of quality services has produced very abundant
scientific work based on the object of study of each researcher. Parasuraman and friends
in 1985 sparked the famous concept of service quality, abbreviated as Servqual (Cetin,
The famous service quality model by Parasuraman et al. (1985), in its scientific
research, raises a conceptual model of service quality that can be measured based on five
dimensions, namely tangibles (physical evidence), reliability (reliability), responsiveness
(quick response), assurance (assurance) and empathy (empathy). (Wibowo & Purnama,
2024). However, the study of Yeo et al. (2015) states that Servqual is not considered a
universal instrument to test service quality, especially in the context of business-to-
business services.
Thai (2008) developed and validated a measurement model (ROPMIS) to explore
the quality of marine transportation services. The model comprises six dimensions:
resources, outcomes, processes, management, and image and social responsibility. (Yeo,
Thai, & Roh, 2015), (Phan et al., 2021). However, the researchers suggest that those
factors could be revised for specific sub-sectors of the maritime industry, such as ports,
although the model should apply generally to maritime transport services. The study
adopted this model and revised the operationalised measurement items specific to the
anchor berth sector. Regarding relief services newly presented by the Kepri local
government, image and corporate social responsibility cannot be measured. Further, the
Strategies to Build Customer Trust Based on Service Quality and Relationship Quality:
Anchorage Study in Riau Islands
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1831
two constructs follow the researchers' arguments and are unrelated to customer
Research Methods
Research approach quantitatively. Data collection is carried out using surveys by
distributing questionnaires to obtain information on the perception of business customers,
namely shipping companies and cargo owners or their representatives such as shipping
companies or logistics service provider companies. Samples were taken accidentally from
as many as 100 representatives of ships that access anchor services in the waters of Kabil,
Riau Islands Province. Based on data from the Maritime Ministry, ship visits per year in
Kabil waters reached 4,447 Indonesian vessels and 1,945 foreign ships (Liu et al., 2017).
Data collection was done through questionnaires with closed questions on the Likert
scale (5 scales) for each variable indicator of service quality (12 indicators), relationship
quality (5 indicators), and customer satisfaction (5 indicators). A statistical analysis was
used to test the hypothesis, and regression analysis was used with customer satisfaction
as the dependent variable.
In item selection, 12 service quality indicators with the lowest item-total correlation
of 0.416 were the highest at 0.743. The Cronbach-α value is 0.842. The relationship
quality was assessed based on five indicators, with item-total correlation ranging from
0.68-0.799 and Cronbach-α of 0.776. Finally, the Customer Satisfaction variable was
assessed based on five indicators with item-total correlation ranging from 0.881-0.916,
Cronbach-α of 0.939. The results of the screening item indicator show that the question
is feasible (representative) to be used to represent independent variables in research; the
correlation of items with a total of > 0.3 can be used to measure variables (Azwar, 1997,
p. 158). The Cronbach-α > value of 0.7 indicates that the research instrument is quite
good in terms of internal consistency (reliable) (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 1993, p. 126).
Results and Discussion
The results of data quality measurements obtained skewness and kurtosis values of
each variable not greater than 1.0 and not smaller than -1.0. If the second value of statistics
exceeds the threshold value, it is considered abnormal. (Hair, Hult, Ringle, & Sarstedt,
2017) mentioned that distributions with skewness and kurtosis values that exceed the
benchmark value are considered non-normal." The average Service Quality and Customer
Satisfaction score is pretty good, while the average Relationship Quality score is slightly
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics
Quality of Service
Relationship Quality
Customer Satisfaction
Rosita Septiani, Syafriza
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1832
Multiple regression analysis is performed to determine the presence or absence of
influence between independent variables on dependents. The regression model of this
study, as shown in Figure 1, has two independent variables, namely service quality and
relationship quality, while the dependent variable is customer satisfaction. The
relationship between two variables whose data is obtained from several samples can be
approached by regression analysis. Regression analysis is an equation that looks for
straight lines (linear) representing a number of independent and dependent variable data
obtained from a sample.
Table 2
Regression Analysis Results
Independent Variables
Quality of Service
Relationship Quality
Quality of Service x
Quality of
Based on Table 2 above, service and relationship quality result in a p-value of 0.000
(significant) for each. Similarly, the relationship between Quality of Service and Quality
of Relationship results in a significant relationship. These two variables contribute
significantly to customer satisfaction, marked by a value coefficient of determination of
more than 68%. A significant standardised coefficient (beta) value indicates that the
influence of an independent variable is relatively more significant than that of other
independent variables. Based on the multiple regression equation above, it can be seen
that the influence of service quality is greater than the influence of relationship quality on
customer satisfaction. Service quality is a significant factor in achieving business
customer satisfaction at ports. This quality of service and quality relationships
complement each other for customer satisfaction.
The results of this study present the validation of the Thai service quality
measurement model (2008), namely the service quality measurement model (ROPMIS),
to explore the concept of sea transportation service quality. This study's results align with
the research of (Yeo et al., 2015), (Phan et al., 2021). The service quality of the ROPMIS
model developed by Thai (2008) is based on constructs: resources, outcomes, processes,
management, and image and corporate social responsibility. The ROPMIS service quality
model is also valid for the anchor anchorage service strategy that is the object of this
study, without image and CSR constructs.
This study shows that the argument of the quality of service received by customers
will directly produce customer satisfaction. The quality customers receive for the services
they access provides a trust or distrust experience for the service features offered by
anchor managers, namely anchor berthing resources, reliable service results, and reliable
management and management staff. The service received (perceived service) by anchor
business customers, thus, as they expected, the implication is that the quality of service is
Strategies to Build Customer Trust Based on Service Quality and Relationship Quality:
Anchorage Study in Riau Islands
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1833
perceived as good so that customers are satisfied with the service capabilities of anchor
Customer satisfaction with anchor anchorage businesses in Kepri is not only
determined by quality service but also by the quality of business relationship
management. In the context of the relational marketing business customer from the study
of (Izakova, Kapustina, & Vozmilov, 2019), the focus is on building business processes
to ensure results as expected by customers. To ensure the purpose of the business process,
port managers should ensure the quality of business relations, not only economic benefits
but also social relations problems, such as satisfactory relationship duration or reducing
conflicts that occur from misunderstandings in service.
The conclusion of this study resulted in a model of the influence of service quality
variables and the quality of business-to-business customer relationships on anchor
anchorage customer satisfaction in the waters of Kabil, Riau Islands. The quality of
service and the quality of relationships positively affect customer satisfaction. Whether it
is the service process received by customers and quality business relationships related to
anchor services directly cause service experiences that can provide satisfaction. Users of
anchor anchor services quite well feel the quality of the service the port manager provides,
and so is the customer relationship management factor.
Based on these conclusions, a necessary suggestion is the existence of a
comprehensive strategy for anchor anchorage services in the Riau Islands regarding
service quality and business-customer relationship quality. The implication is that
suggestions from the academic aspect need deeper exploration to bring up more
representative indicators of service quality and customer relationship quality that can be
applied in anchorage management. Considering that the anchor object in academic studies
in port marketing is still limited.
Rosita Septiani, Syafriza
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1834
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