pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 4 April 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1476
Analysis of Benefit Considerations for Guarantee Company
Upgrading to Tier 4 Colocation Data Center in
Ferdata Adhitya Winarno Putra
, Jarot S. Suroso
Universitas Bina Nusantara Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Data Center;
infrastructure; Colocation
Data Center; Data Center
This research is motivated by the need for the guarantee
company to improve the management of the availability of
information technology services to all company stakeholders
in the guarantee company data center migration project. The
guarantee company is currently collaborating with data
center colocation service providers to support information
technology infrastructure needs as a location for placing
hyper-converged infrastructure servers. One of the
objectives of this study is to provide recommendations to
company management regarding improvements related to
operational efficiency, increased scalability and capacity,
reliability, increased availability, increased security factors,
compliance with regulations, and the ability to increase data
recovery in the event of a disaster by evaluating and
maintained for enterprise data center migration plans. This
research focuses on how the benefits of data center migration
are currently at the highest level, which will be explained in
this paper, where the author will provide a systematic and
measurable visualization regarding facts and relationships in
carrying out the stages of activity, starting with data
collection, analysis, and making suggestions in improving
colocation data services in the area of the country of
The financial industry is currently implementing a digitalization process. IT
infrastructure is obligatory to support this process. One of its needs is a data center, which
can currently be met through a Colocation data center where physical facilities provide
space, electric power, air conditioning, security, and network connectivity (Nirwana,
Hasibuan, & Hediyanto, 2018). Since the economy is growing fast, the need to provide
data centers is also growing in the same direction, where companies do not need to invest
in building data centers, working together with data center colocation providers instead
(Asali & Afrianto, 2017).
Analysis of Benefit Considerations for Guarantee Company Upgrading to Tier 4 Colocation
Data Center in Indonesia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1477
Research on the market conducted in 2015 shows that data center investment in
Indonesia was 50% of the investment, while hardware and software investment was
another 50%. It is estimated that in 2016, it will reach US$14.13 billion and continue to
grow to US$31.95 billion by the end of 2022 (Nazim et al., 2019).
Guarantee Company is currently officially part of the insurance and guarantee.
Guarantee Company is a legal entity engaged in the financial sector, with its main
business activities of Guarantee Company targeted to support government policies,
especially in the context of encouraging business independence and empowering the
business world, primarily micro, small, and medium enterprises, and cooperatives at the
national level (Wang et al., 2019).
Guarantee Company, a company in the non-bank sector, plays a vital role in
UMKM expanding access to credit, enabling UMKM to benefit from financing provided
by the Bank (Saraswati, 2021). Guarantee Company is currently working with financial
institutions consisting of national banks, regional banks, private banks, and non-bank
partners as the number of Guarantee Company partners (Wang et al., 2019).
Guarantee Company is a Guarantee institution that is fully committed to supporting
government programs in the field of economy and national development; in its current
management, Guarantee Company manages 28,018,916 customer data, where the number
of customer data in the last three years kept growing, this continuity require service
improvement so that Guarantee Company can continue to compete with competitors in
terms of Guarantee volume competition provided by partners who are working with
financial institutions consisting of National Banks, Regional Banks, Private Banks, and
Non-Bank Partners as the number of Guarantee Company partners (Adywiratama et al.,
Table 1
Customer Growth Yoy
Information technology services can run optimally to support the process of
exchanging data with corporate partners; Guarantee Company currently utilizes server
on-premises technology as the central infrastructure in carrying out business processes in
managing transaction and non-transaction data (Fitriasari, 2017).
Guarantee Company conducted real-time business transactions with all
stakeholders, processing a significant volume of Rp 4 billion within a one-hour
timeframe. This rapid data exchange demands special attention, particularly from a
financial risk perspective. The potential risk can be mitigated by increasing the
availability of colocation data centers so that the risk of data exchange processes being
hampered and impacting company income can be avoided (Wahyuni, 2024).
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1478
Table 2
Total Transaction
Financial Loss (Unit: Rupiah)
Business Function
1 Hour
Institutional Guarantee
Product 1
Institutional Guarantee
Product 2
Business Guarantee
Product 1
Business Guarantee
Product 2
The supporting infrastructure needed is a data center; Guarantee Company works
with Colocation Data Center Service Providers to manage the infrastructure as a data
storage center and data exchange process with Stakeholders in providing a Colocation
Data center so that the company can focus on running their primary business processes
(Eckhardt & Doeker, 2024).
Information technology services can continue to run optimally to support
exchanging data with corporate partners. Guarantee Company utilizes on-premise server
technology as the central infrastructure in carrying out business processes in managing
transaction and non-transaction data, in addition to the supporting infrastructure needed,
namely colocation data centers which cooperate with colocation data center service
providers to manage infrastructure as a data storage center and data exchange process
with stakeholders (Krisnawati, 2016).
According to Uptime Institute’s tier classification system, which is a classification
standard used to assess the level of availability and performance of data centers where
currently, there are four levels with unique characteristics, including tier 1, tier 2, tier 3,
and tier 4 which are the highest levels in service availability for power, network, and
operational management.
In today's digital era, all components of business management must be digital-based
(Yamada, 2016). Their abilities must be increased to a competent level using the latest
technology, especially in the provision and operation of data centers, which are the
essential components of all existing services and must be at the highest level of
competence, namely in data centers with Tier 4 levels.
A data centre (Ayuni, 2017) is a central repository, both physical and virtual, for
the storage, management, and deletion of data and information from certain knowledge
sections. Four stages characterise the data center based on a combination of efficiency,
availability, and flexibility: (1) Basic, (2) Consolidated, (3) Available, and (4) Strategic
so that the data center can be used as a safe place for computer equipment, storage media,
and communication equipment, as well as networks used as data processing sites.
Analysis of Benefit Considerations for Guarantee Company Upgrading to Tier 4 Colocation
Data Center in Indonesia
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Research Methods
In researching colocation data center migration analysis, which will be discussed,
the author will provide a visualization with systematic and measurable accuracy related
to facts and relations in carrying out the stages of activity.
The primary method used is a literature study, interviews, observation, and gap
analysis of tier 3 and tier 4 classification based on the Uptime Institute classification,
which is used as a parameter to achieve the desired research results.
The steps include identifying current conditions, comparing tier 3 and tier 4
colocation, and providing recommendations/suggestions based on the tier 4 data center
The scope of this research focuses on the needs of Guarantee Company to evaluate
the current use of colocation data center services, taking into account the development of
data management with all stakeholders in the process of exchanging data digitally. In
addition, the guarantee company also needs to evaluate the applicable regulatory
provisions as a form of compliance; the guarantee company is currently using a colocation
data center at one level below the highest level, namely tier 4.
Figure 1. Framework
Results and Discussion
Analysis Colocation Data Center Current Conditions with Colocation Data Center
Tier 4
Guarantee company currently uses tier 3 data center colocation services in carrying
out all business digitization processes; this requires an evaluation in maintaining the
availability of the Company's information technology services to obtain information to
Ferdata Adhitya Winarno Putra, Jarot S. Suroso
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1480
what extent the current conditions of tier 3 data center colocation services are against top-
level conditions that exist, namely tier 4 data center colocation, as well as to get additional
benefits for the improvements that will be obtained later.
The steps taken are to map the top-level Tier 4 conditions by comparing the current
conditions based on the main parameters, namely uptime guarantee, downtime value per
year, component redundancy, and certification owned by colocation data center service
providers to obtain gap analysis, as for the details of the mapping results represented by
in Table 3.
Table 3
Gap Classification Data Center
Tier 3
Tier 4
per year
< 1,6
< 26,3
Full N+1
(2N or
Tier III
Tier IV
type 1
type 2
From the results of observations based on specifications and certification and then
mapping the conditions of colocation data center service providers in Indonesia that have
been carried out, the results of gap analysis are found in all main parameter areas of tier
3 data centers and tier 4 data centers. This gap is a difference that characterizes the level
classification of the tier in the data center.
The results obtained from the analysis based on mapping the current colocation
conditions tier 3 with the tier 4 colocation data center level have gaps in all main
Areas with gaps are areas where it is possible to increase the benefits that will be
obtained for Guarantee Company that initially used colocation data centers from tier 3 to
tier 4. The improvements are as follows:
Analysis of Benefit Considerations for Guarantee Company Upgrading to Tier 4 Colocation
Data Center in Indonesia
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a) The Uptime guarantee area, which initially had a tolerance of 1.5 hours of downtime,
will get an increase to a downtime of less than 26.3 minutes in one year; this can help
Guarantee Company avoid the potential for unachieved information technology
b) Area Component redundancy, essential systems such as power supply and coolers,
originally had N+1 redundancy to 2N. This means that the power supply and cooler
become more optimal by having a dual system for all components to have a higher
tolerance for the risk of system failure.
c) Area Certification data center, which is a feasibility assessment of design and facilities,
assessment activities, and evaluation processes carried out by an independent party,
namely the Uptime Institute, verifies to ensure that the facility meets specific
reliability, availability, security, and operational efficiency standards.
1. This area has increased the existing certification from each colocation data center
service provider, where tier 4 certification is obtained for the design and facilities area
and certification; this certification area ensures that all infrastructure in the colocation
data center has been tested.
2. Increased threat and vulnerability risk assessment activities in the risk assessment area
in conducting assessments and potential risks throughout the infrastructure. It is also
equipped with PCI DSS certification related to protecting sensitive transaction data
and payment processes for colocation data center service users.
3. The security area also increased when a report with AICPA (American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants) standards was issued by an independent party for the
assessment and testing process related to the internal control of colocation data centre
Table 4
Gap Mapping and Improvement Results
Uptime guarantee
Downtime per year
(4 Certification)
It can be concluded that there has been a significant increase in all parameters of
the current tier 3 data centre colocation conditions with tier 4 data centre colocation in
the aspect of maintaining maximum reliability and availability of information technology
processes for Guarantee Company.
By leveraging the highest classification data centre services, underwriting
companies can significantly improve reliability, availability, and redundancies. The
guarantee company can avoid the risk of downtime in supporting equipment,
infrastructure and networks. In addition to maintaining the performance of the availability
Ferdata Adhitya Winarno Putra, Jarot S. Suroso
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1482
of services provided during maintenance, the Tier 4 data centre guarantees that the
maintenance carried out cannot affect all running processes.
In fulfilling compliance with applicable regulations, if you have used a tier 4
colocation data centre, the guarantee company has been able to ensure compliance with
regulations because the provider has complied with the applicable regulations. By
complying with all applicable regulations, the guarantee company can also improve its
reputation and trust in building high trust in all stakeholders.
The analysis results of the current tier 3 data centre colocation with the top tier 4
colocation data centre at the Guarantee Company conclude that gaps can be repaired.
Based on all mapped area parameters, gaps were found, which can be used as an essential
reference for improving services to become a tier 4 colocation data centre.
This analysis demonstrates the potential benefits of Credit Guarantee Company
migrating to a Tier 4 data centre based on a 3-year evaluation of service improvement and
consistent achievement of SLAs (100%); the findings suggest that a Tier 4 data centre
could effectively support improved business processes for the company.
Deploying Tier IV data centres with the highest levels of redundancy and fault
tolerance by the Uptime Institute's Tier Standards can help guarantee company reduce
risk and significantly increase service availability. Tier IV standards are the highest level
standards in terms of data centre availability and reliability, designed to reduce the risk
of failures that could disrupt a guaranteed company's business operations.
This approach would ensure exceptional information technology (IT) service
availability with minimal downtime risk and provide the highest level of redundancy in
equipment, infrastructure, and network connectivity. Consequently, Guarantee Company
is likely to experience a positive impact on its reputation for reliable service delivery and
resilience against potential failures, fostering trust among all business partners.
The Guarantee Company obtains documentation of current tier 3 colocation
services. It compares the current tier 3 colocation data centre with the top tier 4 colocation
data centre so that the company can consider the need for increased effort in managing
the guarantee company's information technology services.
This analysis of the use of tier 3 and tier 4 data centre colocation services provides
suggestions that may be taken into consideration for guaranteeing company management
to improve services based on the benefits obtained. This analysis is different from other
analyses because the results specifically discuss the benefits of improving current
colocation data center services in Guarantee Company to the highest level in the data
center classification which can improve services, especially in the guarantee industry.
Analysis of Benefit Considerations for Guarantee Company Upgrading to Tier 4 Colocation
Data Center in Indonesia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1483
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