The Effect of Job Resources on Work Engagement through Job Crafting and Burnout in Public
High School Teachers in West Kotawaringin
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1509
business is not only determined by employee performance but also by employee loyalty
associated with a concept i.e. the concept of attachment. Engagement will result in
positive things in the organization such as superior workplace performance. Based on a
survey conducted by (De Beer, Tims, & Bakker, 2016), companies with a high level of
employee engagement increase productivity by 20% and profits increase by 21% so that
this engagement is proven to increase the development of an organization.
(De Beer et al., 2016) determines the current percentage of employee engagement
as follows: 21% of employees are engaged employees, 54% of employees are not engaged
employees and 19% of employees are actively disengaged. From these results, it can be
concluded that there are still few workers who feel engaged in their work and employees
who are not engaged in their work will have a negative impact, namely the target where
employees work will not be achieved because there is no enthusiasm from within
employees. (Jiménez, Bregenzer, Kallus, Fruhwirth, & Wagner-Hartl, 2017) define work
engagement as the psychological state of employees who have the desire to contribute to
the success of the company where the employee works and the desire of employees to
continue to be part of the company where they work. Job resources are physical, social,
psychological, or organizational aspects of work that are able to reduce job demands in
relation to psychological sacrifice, provide a positive influence to achieve goals easily
and encourage employees to be able to develop themselves.
In addition, the thing that can affect work engagement is burnout. Burnout is a
term used to express a deterioration in mental or physical exertion. (Jiménez, Winkler, &
Dunkl, 2017) define burnout as a form of fatigue caused by someone working intensely,
dedicatedly and committedly, working full and very long and viewing their needs and
wants as secondary. The causes of burnout come from two factors, namely: (1) external
factors such as working conditions, lack of opportunities for self-development, lack of
social support from leadership, excessive task demands and boring tasks and (2) internal
factors including age, gender, honor, level of education, length of work and personality
characteristics. Fatigue caused by burnout will affect low enthusiasm, dedication, and
appreciation, which then gives the impression of low work engagement of a worker.
Researchers agree that the most important factor in determining student
performance is teacher quality. Teachers play such a valuable role in shaping student
growth, academically and socially. The role of the teacher has evolved from the traditional
role of teaching, which used to be just teaching, to include administrative work. In
addition, teachers are also responsible for disciplining and providing counseling to their
students. School teachers are also considered as the backbone of a country's development
as teachers play an important role in strengthening unity and building national identity as
well as developing human resources to face the challenges of globalization. All this
contributes to the view that education is a pillar of a country's success, while school
teachers are a pillar of educational success.
Engagement is important for a teacher because engagement is a condition that
shows when teachers can be the most influential part of students' lives, teachers who have
high enthusiasm when teaching, teachers who care deeply about the success of students