pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 4 April 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1762
Strategic Management in Improving the Quality of Education
in Madrasah Dta Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon
, Muhammad Misbakhul Munir
, Saifuddin
, Siti Ainul Kholipah
IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia
, Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional
Cirebon, Indonesia
Keywords: Strategic
Management; Quality of
Education; Madrasah.
Quality education will not succeed without the right strategy
for improving the quality of all components in an
educational institution. This study aims to reveal and analyse
the natural background, analysis of internal and external
conditions, implementation and evaluation of strategic
management, and the results achieved from implementing
strategic management in improving the quality of education
in Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon. The research
method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Data
collection techniques are done through interviews,
observations, and documentation studies. The results of
strategic management research in improving the quality of
education in Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon
consist of four stages: environmental analysis, formulation,
implementation, and evaluation. Environmental analysis is
carried out by internal analysis covering strengths and
weaknesses and external analysis covering opportunities and
threats. The conclusion of this study is strategic management
in improving the quality of education carried out by
Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon, namely by
carrying out several stages as follows. The stage of analysis
of the internal and external environment, formulation of
strategic management, implementation of strategic
management, evaluation of strategic management and
results of strategic management.
The school is one of the institutions that are the centre of implementing educational
activities that have a role in improving the quality of education. Schools also play a role
in producing a quality generation of the nation, which should get significant attention
from the government and the wider community (Erlena, 2022). So, in this case, education
is critical and strategic in preparing a new generation who can live and succeed in life in
the future. To achieve all that, educational institutions need maximum efforts to increase
Strategic Management in Improving the Quality of Education in Madrasah Dta Al-Ishlahul
Athfal Cirebon
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1763
the potential and quality of education supported by a measurable management system,
quality human resources, good facilities and infrastructure and affordable education costs
so educational institutions will function optimally (Dermawan, 2020). With the
development and rapid competition, schools must implement superior strategies to
compete with other institutions (Mulyasana & Fauzia, 2015).
The quality of education discussed in this study is the ability of an education system
to manage and process effectively and have the quality to increase added value to produce
competent and quality graduates. By using appropriate strategic management, schools are
expected to realise the expected quality of education and vice versa. If schools do not
implement strategic management, they will not achieve the goals of improving the quality
of education. Therefore, strategic management is critical and must be owned by an
educational institution to improve the quality of education (Mistiani, 2018).
Several things that have been attempted to improve the quality of school education
in Indonesia include curriculum development and improvement, evaluation systems,
teacher-quality education facilities, and other education personnel. However, these efforts
have not shown significant results in improving the quality of education in Indonesia.
With the rapid development of science and melts also colouring the need for education,
efforts to improve the quality of education mean improving the quality of human
resources (HR) to absorb and utilise various information (Saeful Kurniawan, 2017).
Quality education is not just looking at the quality of its graduates, namely
competent, credible, and quality human resources. However, it also includes how schools
can meet customer needs by applying quality standards. In this case, customers are
internal customers, namely educators and education staff and external customers, namely
students, parents, the community and graduates (Zohriah, Bachtiar, & Nasrudin, 2023).
Strategic management in improving the quality of education is a dynamic concept that
determines which products will be produced by established standards or customer
expectations internally and externally. Therefore, the role and function of supervision in
education must be carried out as much as possible (Sanusi, 2020).
Strategic management is the art of decision-making and a series of managerial
actions resulting from formulating and implementing plans to achieve competitive
advantage (Arifudin, 2021). If the definition is associated with terminology, then strategic
management can be interpreted as planning, directing, organising and controlling various
strategic decisions and actions of schools aiming to achieve competitive advantage (Umar
& Ismail, 2018).
To improve the quality of education, strategic management must be implemented.
This strategic management concept is a form of the principal's offer to provide a better
and more adequate place of education for students' comfort (Sholikhah, 2021). In this
concept, the effort emphasised by the principal is to identify what to be achieved and how
it should be able to achieve valuable results in the scope of education so that later, what
is expected is that the school can understand competitive forces and develop competitive,
sustainable advantages systematically and consistently.
Luthfiah, Muhammad Misbakhul Munir, Saifuddin, Siti Ainul Kholipah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1764
Based on preliminary studies conducted by researchers, Madrasah Diniyah
Takmiliyah Awaliyah (DTA) Al-Ishlahul Athfal is a non-formal institution equivalent to
the elementary school level (SD) organised to improve faith-based education at the
elementary level. The resources owned by the madrasah will undoubtedly affect the
formulation of the strategy to be determined, especially the Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul
Athfal Cirebon, which has targets that must be achieved through strategic management in
the madrasah. However, in its implementation, some problems were not what had been
planned. Some of the problems obtained include the lack of adequate facilities and
infrastructure, some teachers not meeting the qualifications as teachers, and some teachers
not taking strata 1 (S1). There is no measure of success in achieving quality improvement
targets. Therefore, researchers want to know how Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal
Cirebon carries out strategic management to improve the quality of education.
Research Methods
In this research opportunity, researchers used a qualitative approach. The method
used is a descriptive research method. Data collection techniques include observation,
interview, and documentation (Asep Kurniawan, 2018). This participation observation
technique is carried out to observe the geographical location in the form of location plans
and environmental conditions, the state of human resources and the stages of strategic
management in Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon. Then the interview technique
was carried out first by determining the critical informant carried out to the Head of
Madrasah, then continued with the snowball process to the Deputy Head of Madrasah for
Curriculum, Deputy Head of Madrasah for Student Affairs and Deputy Head of Madrasah
for Facilities and Infrastructure. At the same time, documentation techniques are carried
out using traces, documents, and books related to research to find data about strategic
management in writing.
By carrying out some of the techniques described above, this is to make it easier for
researchers to obtain information about environmental conditions, the state of human
resources, and the stages of strategic management contained in Madrasah DTA Al-
Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon. Then, the analysis technique used by researchers is to analyse
data in the field. Namely, data found when they carried out preliminary studies at the
research site, namely by analysing data on objective conditions and data on strategic
management in Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon, with several data analysis
techniques with steps, namely unitisation, categorisation and interpretation.
Results and Discussion
Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah (DTA) Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon is a
non-formal educational institution under the auspices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs
at the same level as elementary schools (SD) designed to instil religious values, namely
based on the Qur'an, Hadith and books written by the Kyai, in order to be by the
expectations of the surrounding community and by the purpose of the Foundation was
established, namely by prioritising Islamic education based on ahlussunnah waljama'ah.
Strategic Management in Improving the Quality of Education in Madrasah Dta Al-Ishlahul
Athfal Cirebon
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1765
Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon is sheltered by Yayasan Nurul Huda
Tegalakarang located in Karang Tengah block, Tegalkarang Village, Palimanan District,
Cirebon Regency, where the institution of Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal has been
established since 1999 until now.
Based on the results of interviews and location observations, Madrasah DTA Al-
Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon is located next to the road, which is the daily mobility of the
community and close to the mosque; it can be said to be very strategic for making the
process of teaching and learning activities (KBM) run effectively and make it easier for
schools to provide supervision to students so that students feel safe and comfortable.
Educators and education staff at Madrasah DTU Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon amounted to
10 people consisting of 3 teachers with S1 diplomas, five teachers with Islamic boarding
school diplomas and two education staff.
From the results of interviews conducted at Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal
Cirebon, several teachers do not have educational qualifications because, in recruitment,
there are teachers still in the process of receiving education in college. Some teachers are
only graduates of Islamic boarding schools but have been recruited because several other
requirements are met, namely being able to deliver material clearly and maximally and
having a level of loyalty and sincerity which is high against the lemabaga Madrasah DTA
Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon. This process must be improved to improve the quality of
education from the aspect of educators. Judging from the recruitment of students at
Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon, they always select new students by
interviewing among the parties who conduct interviews, namely the principal and the
Environmental analysis describes educational institutions' environmental
conditions, including the internal and external environments (Murniati, 2014). At the
same time, the purpose of environmental analysis activities is to recognise the internal
strengths and weaknesses of educational institutions and understand the opportunities and
challenges of the external environment so that these educational institutions can anticipate
changes in the future. Using the information from the analysis, educational institutions
will be better able to take steps in the long run.
The above theory strongly supports the results of field research that Madrasah DTA
Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon conducts internal environment analysis by covering strengths
and weaknesses and external analysis covering opportunities and threats. On this
occasion, researchers analysed the environment in Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal
Cirebon using SWOT analysis, which includes Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and
threats. The reason why researchers use this SWOT analysis is to be able to obtain
information about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the madrasah
school so that it can make it easier to determine policies.
The strength of the Madrasah school DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon is in applying
the learning curriculum. The curriculum used by Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal
combines the curriculum of the Ministry of Religious Affairs with the curriculum of
Islamic boarding schools, where the handbook or teaching material book uses books by
Luthfiah, Muhammad Misbakhul Munir, Saifuddin, Siti Ainul Kholipah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1766
Kyai Islamic boarding schools written in the form of poetry, such as nadzom fiqh jawen,
kitabul adab, tawhid jawen book, akhlak jawen and santri-santri, where the work is
written in Javanese using Arabic letters or commonly known as Arabic pegon.
Implementing the curriculum makes it more valuable than other madrasah schools around
the Cirebon district. The weakness of Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon is
inadequate facilities and infrastructure, as well as educators and education staff, some of
whom have not met the S1 qualifications. There are opportunities owned by Madrasah
DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon, namely by getting much support from the surrounding
community and parents and having good partnership relationships with several companies
around the Cirebon district. Meanwhile, one of the threats posed by Madrasah DTA Al-
Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon is a level institution that can influence education quality
improvement policies.
According to (Setiawati, 2020), strategic management can be used as a driver of
innovative education programs to emphasise that human resources can reduce risks to
educational institutions and turn them into new opportunities. These opportunities can be
formulated with strategies that include determining the vision and mission of educational
institutions, determining the goals to be achieved, developing strategies and setting policy
guidelines. At this stage, the implementation of strategic management emphasises the
main activities, among others, by preparing alternative strategies, selecting strategies, and
determining the strategies used (Setiawati, 2020).
This theory supports the results of field research that Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul
Athfal Cirebon has formulated strategic management including the formulation of vision,
mission, goals and strategies Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon carried out in
several stages, including by forming a team to formulate the vision and mission of the
madrasah, conducting internal and external environmental analysis, conducting needs
analysis, determining the direction of movement of the madrasah and finally designing
the vision and mission Madrasah is continued by determining the goals and strategies of
the madrasah. The vision and mission of Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon is to
develop a superior education charity based on ahlussunnah waljama'ah. Its mission is to
produce students who are active, intelligent, creative, innovative, achieve, superior and
have charisma and adhere to ahlussunnah waljama'ah and organise a learning
development model to improve the quality of education with character. Then Madrasah
DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon made a strategy by prioritising three aspects: increasing
human resources (HR) educators, improving the quality of students in core content and
characteristics and improving infrastructure.
Implementing strategic management to improve the quality of education in
Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon is carried out in several aspects. The first
aspect, Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon, has been registered with the Ministry
of Religious Affairs since 2008. Thus, Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon has
been officially registered as a provider of non-formal education under the auspices of the
Ministry of Religious Affairs. Second, the Madrasah program of DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal
Cirebon is seen from various aspects, including curriculum programs, contained in the
Strategic Management in Improving the Quality of Education in Madrasah Dta Al-Ishlahul
Athfal Cirebon
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1767
concept of collaboration between the curriculum of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and
the curriculum of Islamic boarding schools, where the handbook or teaching material
book uses books written in the form of verses such as nadzom fiqh jawen, kitabul adab,
Kitab tauhid jawen, The morals of jawen and santri, where the work is written in Javanese
using Arabic letters or commonly known as Arabic Pegon, this is the hallmark and
flagship program owned by Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon. Student
programs include talent interest development programs and character education.
However, it has not been supported by adequate infrastructure and qualified teachers, so
it has become one of the factors in improving the quality of the DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal
Madrasah Cirebon.
Strategy evaluation is the final stage in the implementation of strategic management
carried out by an educational institution. A leader or principal desperately needs to know
when a strategy is ineffective. Strategy evaluation can also be used as the primary tool
for obtaining this information. This can be done through assessment or a strategy
evaluation (Hasibuan, 2023).
The theory supports the Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon results by
applying strategic management evaluation to improve the education quality in Madrasah
DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon with three types. The first type of evaluation is carried
out directly by the principal of Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon. The second
type is evaluation in academic terms, namely on learning activities and developing local
curricula or the characteristics of the combination of Islamic boarding schools. Moreover,
the third type is the implementation of evaluation meetings, which are carried out monthly
by focusing the second week on the continuity of learning and, in the fourth week, on the
performance of educators and education staff.
Referring to the Regulation of the Ministry of Education and Culture
(Permendikbud) Number 54 of 2013, which explains the indicators of graduate quality
excellence in students, especially at the elementary school level, it can be seen from three
dimensions, namely attitudes, knowledge and skills and being able to integrate knowledge
in developing self-readiness through a continuous process (Majid & Pd, 2019). The
results of strategic management in improving the quality of education in Madrasah DTA
Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon are evidenced by the quality of graduates in that place, namely
by memorising several recommended madwoman lessons, memorising the Qur'an Juz 30
and being able to master fiqh lessons, namely the practice of worship so that this becomes
an advantage possessed by Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon.
Strategic management in improving the quality of education carried out by
Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon is carried out through several stages, as
follows. The stage of analysis of the internal and external environment, formulation of
strategic management, implementation of strategic management, evaluation of strategic
management and results of strategic management. The internal and external environment
analysis stage uses the SWOT analysis method. The strategic management formulation
Luthfiah, Muhammad Misbakhul Munir, Saifuddin, Siti Ainul Kholipah
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stage begins with formulating the madrasah's vision, mission, goals and strategies. Then,
at the stage of implementing strategic management at Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal
Cirebon, several stages were carried out, including preparing program planning,
preparing program implementation, preparing cost budgets and program implementation.
At the end of the strategic management evaluation stage at Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul
Athfal Cirebon, it was carried out with the event team, namely direct evaluation of
madrasah programs or activities, evaluation in the academic field and evaluation
meetings. The results of strategic management in improving the quality of education at
Madrasah DTA Al-Ishlahul Athfal Cirebon can be seen in the quality of graduates each
Strategic Management in Improving the Quality of Education in Madrasah Dta Al-Ishlahul
Athfal Cirebon
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