Titin Martanti
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1738
improving the quality of its education in logical and critical thinking skills. One of the
efforts is to apply HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill).
In general, HOTS is a way of thinking at a higher level than memorizing or retelling
something someone else has told you (DePorter, Reardon, & Singer-Nourie, 2010). In
another sense, HOTS is a complex thought process that involves deciphering material,
making conclusions, building presentations, analyzing, and building relationships by
involving the most basic mental activities (Budiyana, 2021).
The HOTS concept was also pioneered by Resnick in 1987. For him, higher-order
thinking is a complex process of deciphering material, making inferences, building
representations, analyzing, and building relationships by involving the most basic mental
activities (Ariyana, Pudjiastuti, Bestary, & Zamroni, 2018). The mental activity in
question is students' readiness to analyze a problem, be oriented to solving problems, and
find the solutions they provide (Larosa, Hasibuan, & Daniel, 2023).
In Bloom's Taxonomy, higher-order thinking skills include analyzing, evaluating,
and creating. The ability to remember, understand, and apply is included in low-level
thinking skills (Halimah, 2021). To assist students in improving their critical thinking
skills, teachers can develop learning achievements that not only focus on levels C-1
(knowing), C-2 (understanding), and C-3 (applying) but also at levels C-4
(synthesis/analysis), C-5 (evaluation), and C-6 (creating).
(Sianturi, 2021), in A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy: An overview Theory Into
Practice, states that indicators for measuring HOTS include Analyzing, namely analyzing
incoming information and dividing it into smaller parts to recognize patterns or
relationships, being able to recognize and distinguish cause and effect factors from a
complex scenario, identifying and formulating questions. Evaluate, which can assess
solutions, ideas, and methods using suitable criteria or existing standards to ensure the
value of benefits (Pardede, 2016). Then, create, which can generalize an idea or
perspective on something, and design a way to solve a problem. In implementing HOTS
measurement indicators, teachers need to use a scientific approach (observing,
questioning, reasoning, experimenting, communicating) to support the implementation of
learning that focuses on skills in using logic (Purwonugroho & Budiyana, 2023).
The implementation of HOTS-based learning needs to be carried out on an ongoing
basis, referring to the 2013 curriculum, in which students must be able to think critically
both during the learning process in class and during daily assessment activities (Ritonga,
2022). This is necessary considering that data from the Programme for International
Student Assessment (PISA) shows that students in Indonesia are deficient in reading,
numeric, and scientific literacy. In general, the ability of Indonesian students is meager
in understanding complex information, theory, analysis, problem-solving, and conducting
investigations (Dwijayanti, 2021).
The problem of students' low reasoning ability in learning activities researchers
found at Daniel Creative School Elementary Semarang. This school is one of the private
schools in the West Semarang area. The main focus is character building and academic
students (Chamisijatin, Permana, Zaenab, Hidayat, & Aini, 2022). The curriculum used