pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 4 April 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1737
Case Study of Application of Higher Order Thinking Skill
(Hots) Students in Faith Grade 5 and 6 Daniel Creative
School Elementary Semarang School Year
Titin Martanti
Sekolah tinggi teologi kristus alfa omega Semarang, Indonesia
Keywords: Higher Order
Thinking Skills, Faith
Lessons, Student
This study aimed to determine the application of higher-
order thinking Skills (HOTS) in Faith subjects for grade 5
and 6 students. This research uses qualitative research
methods with a case study type of research, where data
collection is carried out through structured interviews with
grade 5 and 6 students at Daniel Creative School Semarang.
Analysis and discussion of the research problem resulted in
two findings. First, related to the HOTS learning process, it
was found that the application of the concept was already
running but still needed to be improved to suit the
characteristics of students. Grade 5 students begin to cope
with complex material, while grade 6 students still face
obstacles in concentration and motivation. Second, HOTS
learning outcomes show that students face difficulty
answering questions, especially in Bible literacy analysis
and literacy-based problem-solving. The questions require
critical and creative thinking skills, but their application is
still tricky.
Man is God's most unique and glorious creation of all God's other creations.
Humans are given the intelligence to think abstractly and concretely to carry out their
functions as managers of the earth as He mandated (Arifianto, Budiyana, & Purwoto,
2021). In a widespread sense, intelligence is often defined as the general mental ability to
learn and apply knowledge in manipulating the environment and the ability to think
abstractly. Intelligence can also be interpreted as the perfection of the human mind to
think, understand, sharpen the mind, and perfect the growth of the body (Pramujiono,
Suhari, Rachmadtullah, Indrayanti, & Setiawan, 2020). Viewed from these two
understandings, simply intelligence is an ability humans possess to increase logical
thinking power that can affect their life growth (Ansari & Abdullah, 2020).
Intelligence is needed by every human being, especially for those who study at the
elementary school level. Today, every elementary school educational institution is
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1738
improving the quality of its education in logical and critical thinking skills. One of the
efforts is to apply HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill).
In general, HOTS is a way of thinking at a higher level than memorizing or retelling
something someone else has told you (DePorter, Reardon, & Singer-Nourie, 2010). In
another sense, HOTS is a complex thought process that involves deciphering material,
making conclusions, building presentations, analyzing, and building relationships by
involving the most basic mental activities (Budiyana, 2021).
The HOTS concept was also pioneered by Resnick in 1987. For him, higher-order
thinking is a complex process of deciphering material, making inferences, building
representations, analyzing, and building relationships by involving the most basic mental
activities (Ariyana, Pudjiastuti, Bestary, & Zamroni, 2018). The mental activity in
question is students' readiness to analyze a problem, be oriented to solving problems, and
find the solutions they provide (Larosa, Hasibuan, & Daniel, 2023).
In Bloom's Taxonomy, higher-order thinking skills include analyzing, evaluating,
and creating. The ability to remember, understand, and apply is included in low-level
thinking skills (Halimah, 2021). To assist students in improving their critical thinking
skills, teachers can develop learning achievements that not only focus on levels C-1
(knowing), C-2 (understanding), and C-3 (applying) but also at levels C-4
(synthesis/analysis), C-5 (evaluation), and C-6 (creating).
(Sianturi, 2021), in A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy: An overview Theory Into
Practice, states that indicators for measuring HOTS include Analyzing, namely analyzing
incoming information and dividing it into smaller parts to recognize patterns or
relationships, being able to recognize and distinguish cause and effect factors from a
complex scenario, identifying and formulating questions. Evaluate, which can assess
solutions, ideas, and methods using suitable criteria or existing standards to ensure the
value of benefits (Pardede, 2016). Then, create, which can generalize an idea or
perspective on something, and design a way to solve a problem. In implementing HOTS
measurement indicators, teachers need to use a scientific approach (observing,
questioning, reasoning, experimenting, communicating) to support the implementation of
learning that focuses on skills in using logic (Purwonugroho & Budiyana, 2023).
The implementation of HOTS-based learning needs to be carried out on an ongoing
basis, referring to the 2013 curriculum, in which students must be able to think critically
both during the learning process in class and during daily assessment activities (Ritonga,
2022). This is necessary considering that data from the Programme for International
Student Assessment (PISA) shows that students in Indonesia are deficient in reading,
numeric, and scientific literacy. In general, the ability of Indonesian students is meager
in understanding complex information, theory, analysis, problem-solving, and conducting
investigations (Dwijayanti, 2021).
The problem of students' low reasoning ability in learning activities researchers
found at Daniel Creative School Elementary Semarang. This school is one of the private
schools in the West Semarang area. The main focus is character building and academic
students (Chamisijatin, Permana, Zaenab, Hidayat, & Aini, 2022). The curriculum used
Case Study of Application of Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots) Students in Faith Grade 5 and
6 Daniel Creative School Elementary Semarang School Year
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1739
is the national curriculum, and the language of instruction is English for all subjects
except Thematic lessons, Mandarin, and Javanese. In academic development, Daniel
Creative School Elementary Semarang refers to the 2013 curriculum for grades 2, 3, 5,
and 6, while grades 1 and 4 implement the independent curriculum (Rahmadayanti &
Hartoyo, 2022).
Related to the curriculum, the research and development division urges teachers to
present HOTS-based learning and problem-making. The goal is for students to be trained
to reason critically and analyze the interrelation of the subjects they receive with the
surrounding circumstances. The efforts made so far are to provide socialization to
teachers about the urgency of HOTS and the outline of making HOTS questions.
Students with low higher-order thinking skills, especially researchers, are found in
grades 5 and 6. This can be seen in student learning outcomes for daily assessments,
midterm assessments, and end-of-semester 1 assessments of Faith (Christian Education)
subjects on HOTS-based questions. On average, 15 grade 5 and 15 grade 6 students get
scores below the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). Looking at the data from these
learning outcomes, researchers conducted interviews with 5 grade 5 students and 5 grade
6 students.
Through student learning outcomes and interviews in the table above, the low
ability to think at a higher level possessed by grade 5 and 6 students can be caused by
several factors. First, students are not used to doing reasoning-based problems. This is
thought to be because they are still patterned by answering rote questions and fixated on
reading in the material book. Second, students' literacy skills about the stories of Bible
characters and significant events in the Bible are lacking. This problem is thought to be
caused by students relying only on the teacher's explanation and not making it a habit to
read the Bible independently at home. Third, students are not confident in giving answers
to higher-order thinking problems. This problem arose allegedly from students who were
competitive in obtaining perfect scores. The fourth factor is that teachers are directed to
make questions with reinforcement of higher-order thinking but are not equipped with
adequate training. This happened because the Research & Development division of
Daniel Creative School Semarang allegedly had not provided special training on how to
compile HOTS questions for various subjects. Fifth, teachers are less than optimal in
giving portions of high-level thinking questions in daily, midterm, and end-of-semester
assessments. The initial suspicion of the researcher is that this can happen because the
teacher's understanding of students' abilities is still lacking.
This study aimed to determine the application of higher-order thinking Skills
(HOTS) in Faith subjects for grade 5 and 6 students. The benefits of this research are
divided into theoretical and practical benefits. Theoretically, this research will contribute
to the development of Christian education in Christian-based private schools and become
a reference for scientific research at the elementary school level. Practical benefits include
information provided to school authorities, such as management, principals, and teachers
at Daniel Creative School Elementary, about the importance of implementing HOTS to
form students who are careful and creative in solving problems. In addition, this research
Titin Martanti
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1740
will also help improve the quality of teaching at DCS Elementary, support the
development of the world of Christian education, provide a better learning experience for
researchers, and become a reference for future researchers in developing students' ability
to think higher order and creatively in the era of digitalization.
Research Methods
This research uses qualitative research methods with a case study type of research,
where data collection is carried out through structured interviews with grade 5 and 6
students at Daniel Creative School Semarang. Credible research is characterized by using
appropriate research instruments and data collection techniques appropriate to the type of
research. In this case, researchers use instruments in the form of a list of interview
questions validated by experts, as well as data collection techniques in the form of
structured interviews. The data analysis process is carried out qualitatively by collecting
interview results and compiling them in narrative form to answer research questions. This
data analysis technique aims to provide a deep understanding of research findings and
answer research questions comprehensively.
Results and Discussion
After the researchers obtained information at Daniel Creative School Elementary
Semarang using interview methods and observations of ten grade 5 and 6 students, the
researchers interpreted the data from the interviews. The following will present the results
and discussion of interviews with 10 grade 6 students:
Description of the HOTS concept's use.
Of the ten students interviewed, two students said that Faith's subjects had not
applied the HOTS concept. According to them, when the teacher teaches, some students
still do not listen to the teacher's explanation. In addition, it was found that the teacher
still taught him how to teach grade 4 students.
Eight other students said it was applied during the learning process and daily
assessments (tests). In the learning process, teachers can provide easy-to-understand
explanations from difficult materials such as Worship and Bridle Your Tongue, as well
as question and answer sessions. In addition, the learning process is presented in the form
of games to create interaction between teachers and students. For project-based learning
activities, HOTS is applied to work on Sunday school journals. During the daily
assessment, the teacher provides the type of fill-in questions by giving many deceptive
answer choices.
The importance of the HOTS concept in faith subjects.
Of ten students who have been interviewed for this question, there are two students
who say that the concept of HOTS is not needed in Faith subjects. There are two
underlying reasons. First, faith lessons are generally easy for students to understand.
Second, it is not really needed if learning is only presented in a straightforward form.
Eight students answered that HOTS is needed in Faith lessons because it can help
students in opinions, build ways of learning that are not oriented towards memorizing
Case Study of Application of Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots) Students in Faith Grade 5 and
6 Daniel Creative School Elementary Semarang School Year
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1741
material, students understand God's word, especially students who rarely worship in
church, and the learning process is more quality than before.
How to Understand the Bible Story Using the HOTS Concept.
The way students understand Bible stories varies greatly. First, two students
understand the story of the Bible and its connection to daily life through their parents.
Second, six students try to read the Bible story they are reading independently, then ask
their parents or teachers if there are certain parts they do not understand. For them, parents
and teachers are reliable sources of information.
Three of the six students tried to apply it after obtaining information from the
teacher about the Bible story they were reading. Third, two students tried to understand
the story of the Bible by making a simple reflection.
How students use thinking skills when understanding faith material.
In this question, each student has their way. Six students used how to listen to the
teacher's explanation and then made the essence of the explanation. The other four
students are different, some honing their thinking skills in the tutoring place. Rely on
logical ability. I did exercises in student modules and enrichment questions before daily
assessments (tests). Finally, I asked the teacher and read the module repeatedly.
Student Responses in Answering Questions Randomly.
Based on the ten students' information, four responded fearfully if the teacher asked
students questions randomly. The reason is that they are not confident in the answers
given. Even so, they still try to give answers according to the teacher's questions. Three
students thought it was normal because it was customary for the teacher to ask questions
this way. After that, they still gave answers that were not perfunctory. One student prefers
to be asked questions without his name mentioned; he usually answers or completes
answers from his friends. Then, the two students who responded answered if they knew
the answer and chose silence if they were the other way around.
How Students Express Opinions in Discussions.
Of the ten students interviewed, it was found that two students submitted their
opinions to the teacher for validation, after which they would convey their opinions to
discussion friends. Then, two students chose to try to think of the correct answer to present
to friends in the discussion group. These two students are more confident in their answers
and put aside the true or false factors. Moreover, the last one is that six students express
reasonable opinions to discussion partners but still try to make sure to the teacher whether
the answer is correct or not.
The Model of Jesus' Teaching Applied by the Master.
Through the interview process of ten fifth-grade students, it was found that as many
as six students said that the learning model that teachers more often use is a learning
model by providing actual examples. This can be seen from the teacher's activity of
presenting Bible stories and steps to apply them in everyday life. Then, it can be seen
from the examples of helping parents, teachers, friends, and other residents. There is an
activity to explain the material through games and show examples of objects.
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The next model involves students in the teaching and learning process. According
to students, this model is effective because it helps students to explore Faith's material. In
addition, the teacher also gave examples from his personal experience. Furthermore, as
many as four students agreed that the learning model involving students is more often
used in class. According to them, the learning process is not only centered on the teacher
explaining the material but there is also a reciprocal relationship between teachers and
students. This activity can be seen from question and answer, discussion, and open
opinions. Another student noticed that teachers taught more often by asking the Lord for
guidance. He saw that the teacher's reason for doing so was so that students would realize
that before learning, they needed to ask the Lord for leading first.
The Importance of Teachers Linking Faith Lessons to Everyday Life.
Based on information from ten 6th graders, their opinion of why the teacher linked
Faith's lessons to everyday life was so that they experienced repentance. This is because
their generation spends more time on social media, and some have even opened "adult"
sites. Second, learn to put God first and appreciate the work of salvation God has given.
Third, assist students in applying God's Word in their daily lives. Fourth, they become
students who realize that everything they do needs God's guidance, especially in a
sophisticated and fast age. Fifth, they will increasingly have behaviors that reflect God's
Word and know the true God.
Obstacles Faced by Teachers in Directing Students to Find Relationships Between
Faith Material and Daily Life.
Judging from the information obtained from the ten students, the obstacle faced by
the teacher in teaching students to find the connection between Faith material is that the
teacher is sometimes unclear in discussing the material. Students sometimes do not
understand the material after being explained by the teacher. Especially in class 6A, the
obstacle is that the teacher has to spend 10 minutes to make the class conducive because
active students dominate this class.
The next obstacle is that some students still do not want to listen to the teacher's
explanation when Faith's lesson is in progress. As a result, students are busy with their
world. Then, teachers often use words that are not familiar to students. Another obstacle
is that there are students who are lazy when recording Bible verses that can be related to
everyday life.
Student Responses to Higher Order Thinking Training Presented in the Form of
Practice Questions.
Their responses were very varied through interviews conducted with ten grade 6
students. Some think practicing questions in the form of discussions are more exciting
because they do not have to think about the answers alone. Conversely, if you have to do
it yourself, feel lazy because you have to write it again. The following response is that
students find this activity very helpful because it makes it easier for them to understand
the problem by reasoning better, finding the essence of the story problem, and giving the
correct answer. In addition, students also agree that this exercise exists because it can
Case Study of Application of Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots) Students in Faith Grade 5 and
6 Daniel Creative School Elementary Semarang School Year
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1743
train them to think critically even though there are often trickers, especially on multiple-
choice questions.
The opposite response is that some students find it difficult if this practice is carried
out because they have to be logical. Some think it's normal because the practice questions
have not led to higher-order thinking. The answers to the practice questions are still in
rote form, so they are easy to remember. However, they are also sometimes fooled when
answering the question of the form of filling.
The Use of Bible Literacy in Discovering the Meaning of God's Word.
Through information obtained from the ten 6th graders, the answer to this question
was that six students explained that understanding literacy from Bible narratives is very
helpful for students in discovering the meaning of God's Word. The reasons are very
diverse. Some say that they are thus helped in giving the correct answers to the daily
assessment (test); others argue that the literacy made them understand that there was still
a Bible story they did not know. Then, assist them in carrying out God's commands, as
described in the biblical narrative.
One student replied that it depended on his Bible story. Sometimes, there are stories
that are easier to understand. If it is easy to understand and presented in the form of
literacy questions, it will make it easier for them to answer questions and find meaning
or messages from God's Word for daily life.
The other student replied that in this section, it was not very helpful. Most of them
ignore it because they are not interested in Faith lessons. Faith lessons are only conducted
once a week and fall on Fridays. The students are already too lazy to study because
tomorrow is the weekend end holiday.
Examples of Problem Solving Strategies.
Based on information from the ten grade 6 students, an example of the problem the
teacher gave to discuss was, "Why, to this day, do many people find it easier to say
unconstructive words to others?". Secondly, 2 people quarrel and then later discuss what
needs to be done so that the quarrel stops and reaches a point of peace. Third, why we
have to share with others when our living conditions are "mediocre" or under challenging
circumstances. Fourth, the problem of cyberbullying, how to bridle our tongue, and the
problem of why humans need to be grateful. Fifth, another example of a problem is to
find out why students show behavior that tends to be impolite. In addition, the issue of
the way students express an attitude of glorifying God is also important.
Compilation of Faith's Repeat Question.
The interviews with the ten grade 6 students revealed that two students gave
different answers. One student thinks that Faith questions are easy and not arranged from
easy question level to difficult question level. The second student said it was arranged
randomly. The reason for easy or difficult questions depends on the person; if the person
learns, they can answer the type of Faith questions.
Eight students answered arranged from easy level to complex level. The underlying
reason is, first, usually, the problem with the initial number is easier. Second, the easy
question level starts from semester 1. Entering semester 2, especially in the test, mid-test,
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and final test, has begun to be complicated. Third, there is a reason that the questions are
arranged from the easy level to the most challenging level based on the numbering of the
questions. Usually, the easy ones are at the beginning, such as multiple-choice questions
and fill-ins from numbers 1-5. On difficult essay questions, the number 3-5 starts.
The Use of Problem-Solving-Based Questions, Based on Bible Literacy with Daily
Life, and Case Studies in Daily Assessments, Midterm Assessments, and Year-End
Based on interviews with ten grade 6 students, information was obtained that
problem-solving-based questions, literacy, and case studies can train brain power to
understand the material better. Please help them to give answers by not relying on
memorization methods. They are easier to solve problems.
Furthermore, they learn to give answers based on theories that have been and are
being worked on. This type of problem can help them think more and differently than
usual, find solutions to life problems faced, and provide the proper response to the life
problems faced.
Student response when answering faith questions.
From the information obtained from the ten grade 6 students, the students' answers
were divided into 2 categories: the difficult level and the middle level (not tricky and
relatively easy). For the difficult level as many as three students said that the Faith
question was classified as a problematic level. The difficulty when answering the fill-in-
the-blank question (short fill) is because deceivers and essay questions lead them to find
what lessons are learned in the Bible verse in question and must present the answer in
complete sentences and according to what is asked. The second factor is not carefully
reading the sentence of the question and finding the trickster, especially in multiple-
choice questions and fill-in, even though the question is about Bible verses. Another thing
is that they are directed to think of solutions to nuanced problem-solving problems.
A total of seven students thought that Faith's question was quite tricky. They think
so because they are confused about the questions, especially if presented in the test, mid-
test, and final test. Then, the question asks them to analyze the meaning of the biblical
text. The reason why Faith questions are relatively easy is because there are types of
multiple-choice questions. For them, multiple-choice questions are very helpful in
answering existing questions because of the availability of answer choices. It is not
difficult to do that on the exact part of the question. The exact meaning here is the
questions presented in the practice questions that have been discussed and reloaded into
the test questions, test, or final test.
Next, the researcher summarized the results of interviews with grade 5 students.
Here are the results of the interview.
1. Description of the use of the HOTS concept.
Overall, all ten 5th graders said that the teacher has applied this concept. According
to them, teachers present learning more towards honing the way of thinking. This can be
seen from the teacher's presentation, which usually leads to sharpening thinking. For
example, in the new life material, teachers usually ask students to answer questions whose
Case Study of Application of Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots) Students in Faith Grade 5 and
6 Daniel Creative School Elementary Semarang School Year
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1745
answers are not only written in books. Another example is when the teacher presents
Paul's repentance material. In this material, the teacher gives slightly more complicated
questions. The question is "why did God choose the sinful Paul to teach His word?". From
this question, they are encouraged to think of the answer.
Then, the teacher stimulation students to reason when giving questions whose
answers are not textbooks. In addition, the teacher also provides opportunities for students
to express their opinions during the learning process. As for the assessment test, mid-test,
and final test, teachers use the HOTS concept on literacy questions.
2. The importance of the HOTS concept in faith subjects.
Based on information obtained from the ten grade 5 students, it was obtained that
all agreed if the HOTS concept was applied to the Faith subject. Some of the underlying
reasons include that it can help students become more brilliant. Second, students are
trained in giving answers that are not careless when answering questions directly from
the teacher and those presented on the test, mid-test, and final test questions. Third,
teachers usually provide test questions that are not only fixed from the material but come
from the teacher's explanation through examples in everyday life. The fourth reason is
that their insight is not too broad in understanding Faith lessons if the learning process is
only understanding and memorizing. The fifth reason is that they will more easily
understand the material and think creatively with HOTS.
3. How to Understand the Bible Story Using the HOTS Concept.
Through the information obtained from the ten students, four students were familiar
with how to ask the teacher about the meaning of the Bible story they were listening to or
reading. Then, they will try to find the moral messages necessary for themselves in
advance. He will ask the Sunday school teacher if he has not found it. After that, they try
to apply the message contained in the story.
Furthermore, the other five students had a different way: to read the story repeatedly
and ask friends, teachers, and parents if they had not grasped the essence of the Bible
story. One student had a way of reading the Bible and then retelling it in his language. To
relate it, he usually does it experimentally.
4. How students use thinking skills when understanding faith material.
The results of the information obtained from the ten fifth graders on question
number 4 were very diverse. Six students have a common way: to listen first to the
teacher's presentation until they understand it and then read the material. Some, after
listening to the teacher's explanation, try to answer the practice questions in the student
module. Especially in discussing the story of Saul's conversion, some of them tried to
think about what Saul did after believing that Jesus was Lord and Savior. There is one
student who will use his thinking skills after recess. According to him, it helped him to
be able to concentrate optimally in listening to the teacher's presentation.
Furthermore, there was one student who applied first what he had learned to the
Faith material; after that, from the application he had done, he was able to provide answers
to the teacher's questions about faith and daily life. In addition, it can help him answer
critical questions from friends who ask about "who is most guilty of man's fall into sin?".
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Two students will use their thinking skills in an independent way. If they have difficulties,
they will ask friends or teachers to discuss them with the aim of gaining a thorough
5. Student Responses in Answering Questions Randomly.
Based on information obtained from ten students in grade 5, for this question, as
many as two students felt happy if the teacher gave questions to students even though
randomly. The underlying reason is that it can help them express ideas that they know to
convey directly without being distracted by whether the answers given are right or wrong.
Second, it can add insight for them and increase points of activity in class. For the other
eight students, they had a fear of the teacher asking random questions. Nevertheless, they
still try to answer as best they can and answer politely and politely.
6. How Students Express Opinions in Discussions.
The following information was obtained from the ten grade 5 students:
There is a type of student who gathers several possible answers, concludes, and
explains them to friends and teachers. The second student has a way, which is to answer
hastily because, in his view, the teacher usually gives a duration of time. If it is a group
discussion, he participates in discussing with friends in order to contribute to the
teamwork discussion. The third student does this by conveying to the teacher his opinion
first, if he is sure of his opinion, he will convey it to his group friends.
For the fourth student, he is more silent if the teacher gives discussion questions in
groups or not in groups. The fifth type of student, he will only express ideas if group
friends give assignments for him in finding answers to questions to be discussed.
Furthermore, the sixth student has a way, which is to give an opinion if the teacher
mentions his name, if otherwise he tends to be passive. The seventh student chose to give
an opinion when the teacher appointed him. If in a discussion group, he usually gives an
opportunity to friends to give his ideas first and then himself.
The eighth student, he took his hand, when he was welcome and explained his
opinion. This is triggered because of the reward if students are active in opinions. The
ninth type of student, he is more often a listener in a discussion. The tenth student will
usually answer directly and express it in the discussion group if he knows the answer.
7. The Model of Jesus' Teaching Applied by the Master.
Of the ten grade 5 students who have given the answer, researchers found that there
were eight students who explained that teachers more often use learning models by
providing real examples. This is because according to them, the teacher's explanation is
usually about daily life related to the material being taught. The next reason is seen when
the teacher explains the Living By Spirit material. For the material of the fall of man into
sin is presented in the form of a brief drama, assignment of a drama project, and
presentation followed by an expression depicting the event of the fall of man. They
noticed that the teacher gave examples that happened in everyday life, even from the
teacher's own life. The goal is to make it easier for students to understand the existing
Case Study of Application of Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots) Students in Faith Grade 5 and
6 Daniel Creative School Elementary Semarang School Year
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1747
The other two students had different opinions. One student argues that the learning
model commonly used by teachers is a learning model by involving students in the
teaching and learning process. In the Philemon and Onesimus material, the teacher asked
2 or 3 students to come forward to serve as examples. Then another student argues that
teachers usually use the learning model by asking God for guidance. This can be seen
from learning activities that always begin with prayer and close with prayer.
8. The Importance of Teachers Linking Faith Lessons to everyday life.
Through the information obtained from the ten grade 5 students, their opinions on
this question are very varied. The first student thinks that he will easily understand the
material if he practices what has been taught by his teacher. The second student thought
that by doing so students could apply the message of God's word conveyed in the study
of Faith.
According to the third student, Faith's lessons will be difficult for him to understand
if they are not balanced by relating the material to real examples in everyday life. For the
fourth student, if Faith lessons are not connected to everyday life, students may not
understand how to apply them. Then the student may not believe in God's omnipotence
in his life.
The other six students basically had the same assumption, that they thought it would
help him become a person who feared God and obeyed God's Word. It's not just knowing
the theory. Then be able to be doers of God's Word. A small example trains students to
be able to pray every day, and to be able to help many people.
9. Obstacles Faced by Teachers in Directing Students to Find Relationships Between
Faith Material and Daily Life.
Based on information obtained from the ten grade 5 students, researchers found that
the obstacles experienced by teachers came from internal and external factors.
Teachers need to manage the class better so that at the time of teaching students are
not busy with their own world and create chatter that triggers the class to be less
conducive. Second, teachers need to understand the characteristics of students in learning.
So that if there are students who do not understand the instructions and / or already
understand the material provided, the teacher can find an effective way for the students
concerned. Third, when explaining the material the teacher is usually not clear in
pronouncing words in English. So to understand the teacher's intentions, he had to ask
The obstacle is that students begin to lack enthusiasm for learning because the Faith
subject is presented in the last hour (opinion from 5B students). The second obstacle is
that students do not respond quickly in doing the part and lack discipline in using time
when working on it. Furthermore, there are types of students who are easy to chat with
topics outside of lessons.
10. Student Responses to Higher Order Thinking Training Presented in the Form of
Practice Questions.
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Of the ten students who were interviewed, there were four students who had
ordinary responses because for them there were questions that were easy to answer and
some that were difficult. Nevertheless, they still answered as much as possible. Then two
students who think that if possible do not present such a question because it makes
students tend to be lazy to do it, especially about the Bible story. The last four students
thought that such practice questions trained them to think differently than usual and not
the text book. Train them to ask the teacher about the meaning of the question if they do
not understand it. The quality of student learning becomes better and more focused. They
experience an increase in learning that is not just rote memorization. If teachers give
practice test preparation, mid test, or final test questions, they will be better prepared.
11. The Use of Bible Literacy in Discovering the Meaning of God's Word.
All ten students answered very helpfully. The reasons that come with it are very
diverse. First, students find it easier to manage answer sentences. Second, it assists
students in knowing what the Lord is saying. Then later it can be applied in everyday life.
Third, because in the Bible there are words written in the form of conversation, making
it easier to understand and find the meaning of God's Word and write the answer using
your own sentences.
Fourth, it makes it easier for students to understand the Bible story in outline. Fifth,
it can spur students to study God's Word. Sixth, students experience an increase in
learning that is not just rote. If the teacher provides practice test preparation questions,
students will be better prepared.
12. Examples of Problem Solving Strategies.
Here are the interview results from the ten grade 5 students:
For example, from the story of Zacaeus, he learned from the character about how
to love God after repentance. The teacher asked students to find out what things made
Saul repent. The second is how the Holy Spirit works in the believer. Then the question
of "why is the Holy Spirit called God?" The third example of the problem given by the
teacher is why Jesus wanted to eat at the house of Zacchaeus who was a tax collector.
Why Zacchaeus was able to undergo such a tremendous change.
Fourth is why God told Jonah to speak God's Word in the city of Nineveh which
was filled with sinners and to do so was full of great risk. In this material also, the teacher
divides students into groups to work on Jonah's puzzle for a predetermined duration. Then
students explained the crux of Jonah's problem, the consequences he had, and how God
resolved Jonah's inner conflict.
An example of the fifth problem is Onesimus. From this story there is an interesting
point to investigate, namely why Paul asked Philemon to take him back when he had
made a fatal mistake as a servant. The sixth is the story of the poor widow. From this
story students learn to think Christianly. Should the widow's actions be implemented?
Then another example of the problem is from the story of Paul who repented, "Why did
God choose Paul to be the preacher of God's Word?"
13. Compilation of Faith's Repeat Question.
Case Study of Application of Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots) Students in Faith Grade 5 and
6 Daniel Creative School Elementary Semarang School Year
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1749
Based on information obtained from the ten grade 5 students, for question number
13, as many as three people think that Faith questions are arranged randomly. The reason
is that the preparation of larger number questions is usually easier than small numbers.
Then as many as seven students argued that the questions had been arranged
systematically, from easy level to difficult level. The form of multiple-choice questions,
and the filling is still considered easy. The higher the question number, the more the
difficulty weight increases. Usually the questions that are considered complicated are on
the last page, namely the form of essay questions. It takes time to read, understand the
main idea of the new reading, understand the purpose of the given problem. But in their
opinion, it can still be answered by looking at the facts of daily life.
14. The Use of Problem-Solving-Based Questions, Based on Bible Literacy with Daily
Life, and Case Studies in Daily Assessments, Midterm Assessments, and Year-End
Through the information obtained from the ten grade 5 students, for answer number
14, is as follows:
So that they can understand the meaning of the Bible story. Then this literacy can
help students in providing good examples in dealing with life problems. Not only
understanding in theory, but in the future it can be practiced in everyday life, living what
God's Word says, can build a close relationship with God. Another reason is to make them
more felt or trained in thinking and not only rely on memorization methods, able to
evaluate learning results, help them better understand the material taught, and teach them
to learn to find the right solutions in solving problems.
15. Student response when answering faith questions.
Based on the results of interviews from the ten grade 5 students, information was
obtained that as many as six students who said they did not find it difficult to answer
Faith's questions. This is because they have received practice questions before carrying
out the test, mid test and final test. Those who have learned Faith not only in school but
from Sunday school, daily life, have even been honed since the 1st grade of elementary
school. The teacher has also given specific questions so that students can easily
understand the meaning of the questions. If there are students who do not understand the
meaning of the teacher, they still help him. The last reason is that there are questions that
are not difficult in this type of multiple-choice question. This is because the answer is
already available. While the fill-in and essay questions need to be thought of and
A total of three students felt that the Faith question was not too difficult and not too
easy (enough category). The reason is that the question is considered easy because there
are questions that have been understood the meaning of the question. It is difficult because
there are still Bible stories that do not understand the order of the story. The type of
question with a more difficult level is a question in the form of an essay. For example,
the question of Zacchaeus' life is presented in the form of an essay. According to one
student who chose this category because he still did not understand the events after
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Zacchaeus met Jesus. Then the easy part is the fill-in-the-blank questions that have answer
choices in the form of words.
For other students argued, it is not too difficult because the answers can still be
reasoned. It is a little difficult because there is diction in English that is not yet understood.
One student thought Faith's problem was difficult. Mainly related to the story of the Bible.
The type of question that he found difficult was the essay problem, because there was still
a Bible text that he did not understand the plot of.
Analysis and discussion of the research problem resulted in two main conclusions.
First, related to the HOTS learning process, it was found that the application of the
concept was already running, but still needed to be improved to suit the characteristics of
students. Grade 5 students begin to cope with complex material, while grade 6 students
still face obstacles in concentration and motivation. Second, HOTS learning outcomes
show that students face challenges in answering questions, especially in Bible literacy
analysis and literacy-based problem solving. The questions designed require critical and
creative thinking skills, but there are still difficulties in their application.
In formulating suggestions and recommendations, efforts need to be made to
improve the understanding and application of HOTS to students and teachers. In-House
Training is the right solution, with structured material and carried out regularly. This
training is aimed at improving teacher skills in designing HOTS-based learning and
preparing higher-order thinking problems. In addition, school management support is
needed to assist teachers in implementing HOTS effectively and provide motivation and
support in developing their abilities. Thus, it is hoped that Faith learning at Daniel
Creative School Semarang can be more effective and have a positive impact on students'
development in understanding and applying religious values in their daily lives.
Case Study of Application of Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots) Students in Faith Grade 5 and
6 Daniel Creative School Elementary Semarang School Year
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1751
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