Silvia Loka, Ariawan Gunadi
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1870
regulations. With the existence of the Notary Honor Council, it can guarantee order and
protection to Notaries in carrying out their positions.
The authority of the Notary Honor Board in enforcing the Notary Code of Ethics is
more to examine allegations of violations of the internal code of ethics, in this case it is
not related to the notarial deed or not related to the client / community. In addition, the
Notary Honor Board can provide advice and opinions to the Notary Supervisory Board in
the event of an alleged violation of the code of ethics.
The Notary Honor Board has a very strong role in terms of enforcing the notary
code of ethics, because it requires evaluation and improvement, of every enforcement of
the code of ethics carried out as a supporting factor in the event of violations so as to
minimize violations.
The Notary Supervisory Board and the Notary Honor Board both have the authority
to conduct guidance to Notaries, but this authority is not clearly regulated regarding the
scope of guidance that can be carried out by the Notary Authority Board or by the Notary
Supervisory Council. However, Notary Supervision is distinguished between behavior
and actions carried out in carrying out their position supervised by the Notary Supervisory
Council, while outside their position is supervised by the Notary Honor Council.
The Notary Supervisory Panel supervises the performance of Notaries based on the
UUJN and Notary behavior based on the code of ethics, the Notary Supervisory Panel
also supervises those related to external organizations whose impact is not the same as
fellow notaries but the impact on society for example distinguishes one party from
another, while the Notary Honor Board has the authority to enforce the code of ethics
concretely in terms of supervision of notary behavior outside its position, Supervision is
carried out on internal organizations related to fellow notaries (Yahya & Diantoro, 2023).
Related to reporting carried out by the public, reports can be made to the
Supervisory Board or to the Notary Honor Board, but the Notary Supervisory Board is
only in the form of receiving reports on coaching and sanctions imposed on the
organization concerned, because basically the Notary Supervisory Panel may not reject
reports as stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights
No.M.02.PR.08.10 of 2004 Article 13 paragraph 4.
However, if the report is in the form of a violation that has a relationship with the code of
ethics, for example posting promotions on social media, the Supervisory Board must
forward it to the Notary Honor Board. Basically, there is no significant difference between
the supervision carried out by the Notary Honor Board or the Notary Supervisory Board
because their supervision is preventive, which is preventive and countermeasures so that
there is no violation of the notary code of ethics or the authority of the notary office.
The purpose of supervision is to protect legal subjects through harsh laws and
regulations imposed by sanctions. There are 2 (two) types of legal protection, namely:
1. Preventive legal protection where this legal protection is made by notary associations
that have the aim of preventing violations, this is contained in laws and regulations
that have the intention to prevent and provide signs and limitations in carrying out their