pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 4 April 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1635
The Effect of Principal's Supervision Competency on
Improving the Quality of Education in the Driving School
Silla Anantasya Choirul Nisa
, Rosyida Rahmawati
, Ngatmono
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia
Competence, Supervision,
Quality of Education.
This study aims to determine the effect of the principal's
supervision competence on improving the quality of
education in the driving school program at SMA Se-Jakarta
Selatan Region 1, namely SMA Negeri 86 Jakarta, SMA
Negeri 109 Jakarta, and SMA Avicenna Jakarta. This study
used a quantitative approach, with two variables, namely the
competence of the principal's supervision (X) and improving
the quality of education (Y), with a sample of 93
respondents. The results of this study show a partial
influence between the principal's supervision competence on
improving the quality of education positively by a
significance level of 0.001 less than 0.05 and a calculated
value of 11.058 greater than the value of the 19867 table. So,
in this study, it can be concluded that there is a positive and
significant influence between the principal's supervision
competence and the improvement of the quality of
Education is a significant aspect of shaping a human person. Therefore, the
government is serious about handling education and always strives to improve the quality
of education in Indonesia because, with the right education system, it is hoped that the
next generation of the nation will emerge who are qualified and able to make better
changes in the life of society and state (Nishfi & Handayani, 2021). The quality of
education is a need and condition to achieve educational goals. In order to achieve this
goal, efforts to improve the quality of education must be cyclical, planned, and carried
out continuously by all parties involved in the world of education. School performance in
teaching and learning must be improved (Busro, 2018).
In facing the current education problem, Indonesia is improving and revising the
quality of existing education (Gaol & Siburian, 2018). Meanwhile, according to the World
Economic Forum forum in 2017 from Global Human Capital Report data, Indonesia has
Silla Anantasya Choirul Nisa, Rosyida Rahmawati, Ngatmono, Tufiqurrohman
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1636
a position ranked 65 out of 130 countries in the field of education due to a lack of interest
in learning in Indonesia and lack of interest in literacy in reading books, causing education
in Indonesia to lag far behind neighboring countries (Ma’arif, Zuzana, & Sirojuddin,
2022). According to the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018,
Indonesia is ranked 72nd out of 79 countries that joined the Organisation for Economic
Co-Operation And Development (OECD). Based on these data, it is explained that the
lack of student achievement in the quality of Indonesian education is low, so the role of
competent teachers is still needed and still needs to be improved as UNESCO Global
Education Monitoring (GEM) research 2016 research on the quality of Indonesian
education is fifth out of 14 other developing countries regarding the quality of education.
However, based on the latest research by UNESCO Global Education Monitoring (GEM)
2020, the quality of education worldwide has deteriorated due to the COVID-19 pandemic
(Auliah, Putra, & Novianti, 2022).
According to Mulyasa in (Triana, Nasution, & Nasution, 2022). At this time,
various parties continue to make efforts to improve the quality of education to develop
human resources and the nation's character. Improving the quality of education is the goal
of national education and efforts to improve comprehensive human resources in
Indonesia. The quality of education is a significant factor in the realm of education. In
facing the future that will be followed by globalization and advances in information and
technology, education will face various complex problems. Therefore, education
development must be designed to overcome these problems (Rozak et al., 2021).
Improving the quality of education is a component of human resources that must be
fostered and developed continuously (Hidayat, 2021). Therefore, the principal conducts
supervision activities to discover teachers' shortcomings and weaknesses in the teaching
and learning process activities so that they will get the necessary data in the context of
teacher development. Improving the quality of education is very important because it is
related to technical problems, planning, efficiency, and effectiveness in the school
system's implementation (Huda, 2019).
To improve quality, the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research,
and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2022 concerning the
Organization and Work Procedures of the Center for Driving Teachers and the Center for
Driving Teachers has made a new policy through an educational change with a driving
school program that is expected by education units to improve the quality of education
comprehensively (Ependy, 2017). There are two important things to realize when
implementing a program in schools: the principal's leadership behavior and the school's
teachers' behavior. The principal's leadership behavior is the leading actor in the school.
In contrast, the teacher's behavior has an essential supporting role in the successful
implementation of the program, which is stated in the vision and mission of the school.
(Permendikbud, 2022)
The driving school program is an encouragement to achieve the quality of
Indonesian education, namely a school that focuses on improving student learning
outcomes as a whole, which includes literacy and numeracy competencies as well as
The Effect of Principal's Supervision Competency on Improving the Quality of Education in the
Driving School Program
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1637
character to realize the profile of Pancasila students starting from superior human
resources, namely principals and teachers. In the school program, the principal's model
drive is considered in his leadership competence as stipulated in the Regulation of the
Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel number 6565 / B / G / 2020; there
are four competencies, namely self-development and others, learning leadership, school
management leadership, and school development leadership. School leadership will be
achieved optimally if the principal has the proper leadership ability, such as leading the
school to utilize school resources (Kemendikbudristek, 2021).
Said to be an educational program that has been planned systematically, this
program has a vital role for someone in the field of education because this program can
make achievements in educational goals that have the goal of helping students prepare
for their future to be able to become someone who has good skills, has high reasoning
power and thinks creatively to be applied in their lives in the future.
Research Methods
The type of research in this research journal is quantitative with a quantitative
descriptive approach. The method used is explanatory research, which will explain further
related research and describe research variables with a total of 93 respondents. Using
random sampling techniques, researchers took samples from the population of 3 driving
schools in area 1 of South Jakarta, namely SMA Negeri 86 Jakarta, SMA Negeri 109
Jakarta, and SMAS Avicenna. Research analysis researchers use simple linear regression
analysis and hypothesis tests using SPSS 25, which will process data obtained by
researchers through previous questionnaires from research samples. This aims to make it
easier for researchers to describe the data as it is to obtain conclusions from research
Results and Discussion
After obtaining questionnaire data, where sampling was carried out using random
sampling techniques in the population obtained by research, as many as 93 respondents
related to the effect of head supervision competence on the quality of education in the
driving school program in SMA Se-Jakarta Selatan Region 1. Using questionnaires with
Likert scales, namely STS (Strongly Disagree = 1), TS (Disagree = 2), RG (Doubt = 3),
S (Agree = 4), SS (Strongly Agree = 5). Through the data from the questionnaire, the
following results were found:
Descriptive Analysis
Silla Anantasya Choirul Nisa, Rosyida Rahmawati, Ngatmono, Tufiqurrohman
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1638
The data processing results show that the smallest value (min) of the principal's
supervision competence is 144, and the largest (max) obtained is 200. The mean is 177.83,
and the standard deviation is 16.958. The score falls into the excellent category scale
In the variable of education quality, it is known that the smallest value (min) is 73,
and the most outstanding value (max) is 100. Furthermore, the mean of the education
quality variable was 87.67, and the standard deviation was 7.755. The score is included
in the excellent category scale range.
Simple Linear Regression Analysis
Std. Error
Kompetensi Supervisi
Kepala Sekolah
In the table above, the regression equation with the calculation is
Y = 27.485 + 0.341, can be interpreted as follows:
1. The constant is 27.485; this means that if the Principal's supervision competency
variable is considered constant, then the predicted value of improving the quality of
education is 0.341.
2. The coefficient of the Principal supervision competency variable (X) is 0.341; this
means that if the Principal's supervision competency variable is increased by 1%, then
the predicted value of improving the quality of education will increase by 0.341. The
sign (+) indicates a unidirectional relationship between the supervision competence of
the Principal and the improvement of the quality of education at SMAN 109 Jakarta;
namely, if the supervision competence of the Principal is high or sound, the percentage
of improvement in the quality of education is also high.
Coefficient of Determination Analysis
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the
The Effect of Principal's Supervision Competency on Improving the Quality of Education in the
Driving School Program
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1639
Based on the SPSS output table "Model Summary" above, it can be seen that
column R is the column of correlation coefficient, and R2 indicates the column of
coefficient of determination. The coefficient of determination of 0.573 states that 57.3%
of the variation that occurs in the supervision competence of the Principal can be
explained by the magnitude of the improvement in the quality of education.
Simultaneous F Test Analysis
Sum of
Based on the processed data above, the results of the F test obtained the following
1. It can be seen that the Fcalculate value in the simple regression model of the principal's
supervision competence (X) is 122.282. Meanwhile, if the Ftable value is 3.94, it is
obtained that Fcalculate > Ftable or 122.282 > 3.94.
2. You can see the sig value. The F in the simple regression model of the principal's
supervision competence (X) is 0.001. So it is obtained that the value of sig. F < α (0.05)
or 0.001 < 0.05.
Based on the calculation results of the F test (simultaneous test) above, it can be
concluded that H0 is rejected. Ha is accepted, which means there is a significant influence
between the supervisory competence of the Principal (X) simultaneously on improving
the quality of education at the Driving School batch 1 of SMA Se-Kota South Jakarta
Region 1.
Uji Hypoplant
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Based on the results of the hypothesis test in the table above, the following results are
1. It can be seen that the calculated value in the Principal supervision competency
coefficient table (X) is 11.058. Meanwhile, if the table obtained is 19867. So that the
results of calculated> table or 11.058 >19867.
2. You can see the sig value. In the table, the Principal supervision competency variable
(X) coefficient is 0.000. So, it is obtained that the value of Sig. t < α (0.05) or 0.000 <
Based on the results of the t-test calculation (partial test) above, it can be concluded
that H0 is rejected. Ha is accepted, which means that there is a significant influence
Silla Anantasya Choirul Nisa, Rosyida Rahmawati, Ngatmono, Tufiqurrohman
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1640
between the supervisory competence of the Principal (X) partially on improving the
quality of education at SMA Se-Kota Jakarta Selatan Region 1 Driving School batch 1.
The Effect of Principal's Supervision Competence on Improving the Quality of
Education in Driving Schools
This study aims to determine whether there is a significant influence between the
principal's supervision competence on improving the quality of education in the
mobilizing school program. This study consists of two variables: the competence of the
principal's supervision (X) and improving the quality of education (Y). The method used
in this study is a quantitative method with data analysis techniques using simple linear
regression. The data used was based on the results of the distribution of questionnaires
using Google Forms to 93 respondents who were educators from SMA Se-Kota Jakarta
Selatan Region 1 Driving School Batch 1. Respondents were obtained using random
sampling techniques. Selected respondents were contacted personally through direct
observation of the research site. Three schools become driving schools in batch 1: SMAN
86 South Jakarta, SMAN 109 Jakarta, and SMA Avicenna Jakarta.
The separate driving school program is a program that seeks to encourage education
units to carry out self-transformation to improve the quality of learning in schools and
then scan other schools to make similar quality improvements (Kepmen 121 concerning
the Mobilizing School Program, 2021). There are two essential things to realize when
implementing a program in schools (be it short-term programs, medium-term programs,
or long-term programs), namely the principal and teachers in the school itself. The
principal is the main driving force in the school. At the same time, the teacher is the
primary support, which is integral and cannot be separated from the successful
implementation of the program.
Various policies that the government has carried out have succeeded in significantly
expanding access to education. School enrollment rate and length of schooling increase
(RLS). In 1950, the RLS of Indonesia's population of less than two years increased to 4
years in 1990 and doubled to 8 years today. However, the widespread access to education
has not been fully proportional to the improvement and equity of education quality. The
results of the 2018 PISA survey show that 60% to 70% of students in Indonesia are still
below the minimum proficiency standards in science, mathematics, and reading. Among
the things that contribute to the constraints of improving and equitable quality of
education are the competence of school principals and teacher performance. Seeing
obstacles in improving quality is the background of researchers researching how the
principal's supervision competence can achieve improved quality of education in the
mobilizing school program.
This research is a study of the principal's supervision competence based on
McClelland's theory (1973, in Gaol 2014: 498), which states that competence can be
analogous to an "iceberg" where skills and knowledge from its peak, which is above the
water invisible to the naked eye. However, it becomes the foundation and influences the
shape of the part above the water. Then, the theory of Carter V Good (1897 in Sahertian
The Effect of Principal's Supervision Competency on Improving the Quality of Education in the
Driving School Program
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1641
2008: 229) states that educational supervision is essentially all assistance shown in
improvements and fostering aspects of teaching.
Supervision competence is also related to the theory of human resource
development where according to Flippo (1988 in the International Lecture Organization
2012) states that planned development programs will provide benefits to people in the
form of increased productivity, increased morale, reduced costs, and stability and
flexibility to adapt to changing external regulations. Similarly, the supervision
competence of school principals who carry out training, direction, and management
activities for educators to improve the teaching and learning process so that the quality of
education is 1-2 stages more advanced.
Four competencies the principal must possess as a supervisor in his school:
1. Knowledge (knowledge) is information employees possess in carrying out duties and
responsibilities in their field of work. The principal in supervision knowledge at SMA
Se-Kota Jakarta Selatan Region 1 has good knowledge obtained through training in
the mobilizer school program. The principal can supervise by being able to understand
educational planning and being able to carry out his duties as a supervisor very well.
2. Skill: a person's ability to perform an activity or job. A person's skill level can be
influenced through training and experience. The headmaster has expertise in carrying
out duties well, which results in improving the quality of education with training
provided in the driving school program
3. Ability: This ability is carried out from birth and learns from experience so that a
person will determine behavior and results. The principal must be an individual who
can solve the problems he faces well, which becomes his capacity to assess what has
been done by the principal.
4. Attitude is the attitude of employees who can determine the good and bad of work
because it will produce optimal performance if employees have a good attitude. The
headmaster involves feelings, thoughts, and tendencies to act in his school so that they
can be accepted or not accepted by education personnel.
According to Suhartien (2000 in Arbangi 2016: 228), some targets emphasize the
supervision of school principals in the future by including:
1. Curriculum development, by controlling school principals to educators oriented to
clear educational goals. With a clear, correct, and appropriate curriculum development
orientation, it is hoped that development at each level of the education unit can achieve
the expected quality of education.
2. Improvement of the learning process: Coaching is carried out by the principal to foster
teachers' duties to educate, teach, guide, direct, train, assess, and evaluate students.
3. Staff development, direction carried out by the principal in developing and mastering
teacher performance to improve teacher professionalism through supervision.
Maintaining and maintaining the morale of teachers, the headmaster also monitors the
training, coaching, and direction he has undertaken to measure the progress of the
Silla Anantasya Choirul Nisa, Rosyida Rahmawati, Ngatmono, Tufiqurrohman
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1642
driving school program, monitoring changes that focus on the resulting outputs that
provide quality services.
Based on data and findings in the field, it can be analyzed that the theory has been
tested and has an effect on improving the quality of education (McClelland, 1973), have
been tested and affect improving the quality of education in the driving school of batch 1
at SMA Se-Kota South Jakarta Region 1 by 57.3% which was tested using simple linear
regression analysis while the remaining 42.8% were influenced by other variables that
were not Researched. From these aspects, the data taken in the field has a significant
influence based on the data that has been described in the statistical analysis calculation
section above; the following is proof of the hypothesis that exists in this study: there is a
significant influence between the supervisory competence of the principal (X) on
improving the quality of education in driving schools (Y) in SMA Se-Kota South Jakarta
Region 1 by 57.3%.
Based on the results of these calculations, the supervision competence of school
principals significantly influences the quality of education in the driving school program.
This proves that the principal's contribution to educational supervision in this study means
that respondents agree with what the principal does when supervising educators in his
school. The objectives of the driving school program are to improve the quality of
education by developing human resources in the school and improving their performance
with systematic and organized procedures so that educators learn knowledge, techniques,
workmanship, and expertise to improve the quality of education.
This statement can strengthen that the competence of the principal's supervision in
a driving school program is essential to encourage the realization of improving the quality
of education in their respective schools by creating transformations that are expected not
only in education units but can trigger the creation of an ecosystem of change at the
regional and national levels so that the changes that occur can be widespread and
Based on research on the effect of the principal's supervision competence on
improving the quality of education in driving schools conducted at SMA Se-Kota Jakarta
Selatan Region 1, it can be concluded that the results of the hypothesis research produce
a significant value for the effect of the principal's supervision competence (X) on
improving the quality of education (Y) is a significance level of 0.001 less than 0.05 and
it can be known that the calculated value is 11.058. Meanwhile, if the table obtained is
19867. Then, H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted, meaning that the principal's supervision
competence significantly influences the improvement of the quality of education.
Based on these conclusions, the researcher provides suggestions in order to help for
the subsequent learning, these suggestions are (1) For the Principal, can determine a
structured coaching ledge for teachers and other educators, such as workshops by
presenting related education practitioners such as school supervisors for further coaching
The Effect of Principal's Supervision Competency on Improving the Quality of Education in the
Driving School Program
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1643
of teachers in schools so that they can continue to develop human resources in their
schools and can be an example for other schools in order to become Driving Schools (2)
For teachers, they can re-evaluate their material and performance when teaching so that
they can improve and perfect their ability to teach interestingly so as to achieve the goals
of the school program or improve the quality of education (3) For further research, it is
expected to utilize the results of this research as material for further study in the context
of developing educational science, especially in administrative midwives Education and
preferably variable development can be done, because it does not rule out the possibility
that research that has many variables can get better results or conclusions and produce
more references to be useful for future researchers.
Silla Anantasya Choirul Nisa, Rosyida Rahmawati, Ngatmono, Tufiqurrohman
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