Silla Anantasya Choirul Nisa, Rosyida Rahmawati, Ngatmono, Tufiqurrohman
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1636
a position ranked 65 out of 130 countries in the field of education due to a lack of interest
in learning in Indonesia and lack of interest in literacy in reading books, causing education
in Indonesia to lag far behind neighboring countries (Ma’arif, Zuzana, & Sirojuddin,
2022). According to the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018,
Indonesia is ranked 72nd out of 79 countries that joined the Organisation for Economic
Co-Operation And Development (OECD). Based on these data, it is explained that the
lack of student achievement in the quality of Indonesian education is low, so the role of
competent teachers is still needed and still needs to be improved as UNESCO Global
Education Monitoring (GEM) research 2016 research on the quality of Indonesian
education is fifth out of 14 other developing countries regarding the quality of education.
However, based on the latest research by UNESCO Global Education Monitoring (GEM)
2020, the quality of education worldwide has deteriorated due to the COVID-19 pandemic
(Auliah, Putra, & Novianti, 2022).
According to Mulyasa in (Triana, Nasution, & Nasution, 2022). At this time,
various parties continue to make efforts to improve the quality of education to develop
human resources and the nation's character. Improving the quality of education is the goal
of national education and efforts to improve comprehensive human resources in
Indonesia. The quality of education is a significant factor in the realm of education. In
facing the future that will be followed by globalization and advances in information and
technology, education will face various complex problems. Therefore, education
development must be designed to overcome these problems (Rozak et al., 2021).
Improving the quality of education is a component of human resources that must be
fostered and developed continuously (Hidayat, 2021). Therefore, the principal conducts
supervision activities to discover teachers' shortcomings and weaknesses in the teaching
and learning process activities so that they will get the necessary data in the context of
teacher development. Improving the quality of education is very important because it is
related to technical problems, planning, efficiency, and effectiveness in the school
system's implementation (Huda, 2019).
To improve quality, the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research,
and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2022 concerning the
Organization and Work Procedures of the Center for Driving Teachers and the Center for
Driving Teachers has made a new policy through an educational change with a driving
school program that is expected by education units to improve the quality of education
comprehensively (Ependy, 2017). There are two important things to realize when
implementing a program in schools: the principal's leadership behavior and the school's
teachers' behavior. The principal's leadership behavior is the leading actor in the school.
In contrast, the teacher's behavior has an essential supporting role in the successful
implementation of the program, which is stated in the vision and mission of the school.
(Permendikbud, 2022)
The driving school program is an encouragement to achieve the quality of
Indonesian education, namely a school that focuses on improving student learning
outcomes as a whole, which includes literacy and numeracy competencies as well as