pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 4 April 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1793
Learning Mahaarah Al-Qiraa'ah Using Hijaiyyah Card
Media in Islamic Elementary Schools
Salsabila Amanda
, Hotimin
, Mulhendra
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Hidayatunnajah Bekasi, Indonesia
Mahaarah Al-Qiraa`Ah;
Arabic; Letter Card
Mahaarah al-qiraa`ah plays an essential role in a person’s
life, especially for students, so learning is also needed to help
with teaching and learning activities. This research
investigates the supporting and inhibiting factors in learning
maharajah al-qiraa`ah using hijaiyyah letter card media. This
research uses a qualitative approach with a case study
method. Data was collected using interviews, observations,
and documentation. The collected data in words is analyzed
by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions.
The results show that students' high enthusiasm and
motivation support learning. The inhibiting factor is the lack
of time for learning using hijaiyyah letter card media;
classroom conditions were less conducive because some
students interfered with other students.
Mahaarah Al-Qiraa'ah (reading skills) is essential in one's life. By reading, a person
can understand and have mastery, especially in science. Reading is also one of the
activities that cannot be separated in the world of education because reading can make it
easier for someone to learn and know something they want to learn (Apriani, Dewi, &
Istiningsih, 2022). In addition, reading skills have benefits, including increasing
vocabulary knowledge, adding insight, sharpening themselves in capturing one piece of
information from reading, and training focus and concentration (Helvina, Noeng, &
Timba, 2021).
Furthermore, ability to read in each student has processes and stages, such as letter
recognition, because students cannot immediately become proficient because, in reading
activities, there are two stages, namely the beginner stage and the advanced stage. The
beginner stage is a preliminary reading technique in elementary school's first and second
grades. In comparison, the advanced stage is advanced reading techniques from the third
grade of elementary school (Kurniawati, 2020).
Furthermore, (Sabrina & Damri, 2023) said that the purpose of beginning reading
is to train students to have the ability to voice a writing with the correct intonation. The
hope is to learn more about reading so that students can recognize fonts, syllables, words,
and sentences. In addition, realizing effective al-qiraaah (reading ability) mahaarah
Salsabila Amanda, Hotimin, Mulhendra
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1794
certainly requires good media or learning material. So, with that, learning the maharajah
al-qiranah will not be boring for students and teachers (Robbani & Haqqy, 2020).
However, many teachers still teach only using makeshift media such as textbooks
and blackboards, so it is less attractive. This is undoubtedly boring for students when
receiving the material taught (Fitri, 2023). Even though a medium is essential in learning,
especially for elementary school students, where they want fun learning, such as learning
while playing. Card media is one of the media that can be used in understanding the
maharajah al-qiranah (Sari, Rizhardi, & Prasrihamni, 2022).
Learning media has many types, used according to needs and compatibility between
the material to be taught. In this study, researchers focused on the supporting and
inhibiting factors of learning the maharajah al-qiraa'ah through the media of hijaiyyah
cards. Based on the observations of researchers in a first-grade elementary school in
Karawang, it was found that some students had difficulty distinguishing some of the
hijaiyyah letters in learning the maharajah al-qiraa'ah, students had problems because
there were several hijaiyyah letters whose pronunciation was almost similar to the letters
ذ، ز، ظ. One of the factors causing the occurrence is the lack of adequate, engaging
learning media provided; often, students are only asked to look at the letters in the book
and to pay attention to the educator's speech related to the material. This makes some
students feel bored with what is taught.
Based on the results of the exploration of previous studies, researchers found
several studies that are relevant to this study. Similar research has been conducted by
(Saputro, Sari, & Winarsi, 2021), (Sari et al., 2022), focusing on improving reading skills
using audio-visual media. Therefore, researchers conducted a study that focused on the
supporting and inhibiting factors of learning the maharajah al-qiraa'ah using the press of
hijaiyyah letter cards.
Based on the background and literature review above, this research aims to
determine the supporting and inhibiting factors of learning maharajah al-qiraa'ah using
hijaiyyah letter card media in Islamic elementary schools.
Research Methods
This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Researchers
use a qualitative approach to get a deeper picture based on the natural setting of the
phenomenon under study (Yusanto, 2020). While the participants in this study were one
Arabic teacher who potent the subject of maharajah al-qiraa'ah and five female students
from the first grade, the place of research was carried out in one of the Islamic elementary
schools located in Karawang.
Data collection techniques in this study were carried out in three ways: interviews,
observation, and documentation. Researchers conducted interviews with one teacher of
the subject concerned and five female students from the first grade. The interview results
will obtain further data on the problem of whether there are supporting and inhibiting
factors in the learning of al-qiraa'ah mahadirection. The observation is carried out when
teaching and learning activities are in progress so researchers can obtain data directly
Learning Mahaarah Al-Qiraa'ah Using Hijaiyyah Card Media in Islamic Elementary Schools
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1795
related to the problems taken. The documentation in this study is in the form of photos
during teaching and learning activities.
In the data collection process, the data analysis technique used in this study, namely
the Miles and Huberman model, has three ways (Sugiono, 2016) (first) data reduction;
Data obtained from the field needs to be recorded carefully and in detail. After that, the
researcher summarises and selects the primary data obtained from interviews,
observations, and documentation related to supporting and inhibiting factors in learning
the maharajah al-qiran, then focuses on essential things to facilitate researchers to collect
further data. (Second) Presentation of data: This can be done in the form of a brief
description of the data obtained to understand what is going on and what kind of action
is needed, then analyzed and take the necessary responses. (Lastly) Conclusion:
Concluding is carried out by describing the data of research findings in the discussion as
an answer to existing problems.
Results and Discussion
In the learning process, especially the maharajah al-qiraa'ah, of course, a medium
is needed that can help the process of teaching and learning activities to be effective.
Hijaiyyah card media makes it easier for students to absorb the material presented.
In the learning process, it only sometimes goes well. The success of the learning
process is due to supporting factors in it. Likewise, failure in the learning process is due
to inhibiting factors.
Supporting factors for learning using hijaiyyah letter card media
Supporting factors in learning mahaarah al-qiraa'ah in first-grade elementary
schools use hijaiyyah letter card media. The shape in the card contains pictures and colors
so that the enthusiasm of the students to learn is very large, which can foster enthusiasm
for the students in learning.
As the results of the interview by Mrs. Teacher R, the potent of Arabic subjects,
said that:
"For the supporting factor of learning maharajah al-qiraa'ah using the media of this
hijaiyyah letter card, students are thrilled when invited to play because the shape of the
card has colors and also some pictures; this hijaiyyah letter card also makes it easier for
teachers to learn." (Ms. R interview, July 13, 2023)
This is also to the observation made by researchers in the first grade that the students
were thrilled when learning using the hijaiyyah letter card media. The students are very
eager to implement card games, which makes it easier for teachers themselves when
teaching. Researchers also saw that teachers, when holding hijaiyyah card games, added
a prize; the prize was given to students who could follow the challenge from their teacher.
Syarifuddin said that in learning using letter card media, some advantages or factors
support learning, including increasing student motivation and improving learning
outcomes (Syarifuddin, Nasrullah, & Syaiful, 2021).
Inhibiting factors of learning using hijaiyyah letter card media
Salsabila Amanda, Hotimin, Mulhendra
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1796
Inhibiting factors in learning al-qiraa'ah maharajah through hijaiyyah letter cards in
first-grade elementary schools, namely lack of time to apply for letter cards and some
female students needing to pay attention when the teacher explaining the material. Based
on the results of interviews conducted by researchers, it can be seen that the inhibiting
factors in learning the maharajah al-qiraa'ah using hijaiyyah letter card media, namely:
"For the inhibiting factor of learning al-qiraa'ah maharajah using hijaiyyah letter
card media, it takes much time to please all students in playing this letter card." (Ms. R
interview, July 13, 2023)
This is due to the observation made by researchers in the first grade that it was
found that some female students did not get to try to play hijaiyyah cards because the time
for teaching and learning activities was insufficient. The available time of 2 hours of
lessons is 60 minutes, with the number of students reaching 27 people; all students can't
try to play hijaiyyah cards alternately one by one in one meeting. This letter card is applied
after the teacher finishes explaining the material in the textbook.
Syarifuddin said that learning using hijaiyyah card media cannot be separated from
shortcomings or inhibiting factors, including the classroom atmosphere being less
conducive and often wasting time providing material (Syarifuddin et al., 2021).
Therefore, so that the class can be more conducive when learning takes place,
teachers should when they find their students who make noise, teachers should be more
alert to handle it, lest the teacher is late in handling it so that it causes other students to
feel disturbed because of their friends' attitudes. Meanwhile, suppose students are
disappointed in applying letter card media because they cannot play. In that case, the
teacher can provide opportunities at the next meeting, and the students will feel happier
because they are still given the chance.
Based on the previous discussion, it can be concluded that there are several
supporting factors in learning the maharajah al-qiraa'ah using hijaiyyah letter card media
in grade I elementary schools: have high enthusiasm and high motivation in learning. The
inhibiting factors in education, namely lack of time using hijaiyyah letter card media,
classroom conditions could be more conducive, and some students disturb other students
when learning.
Learning Mahaarah Al-Qiraa'ah Using Hijaiyyah Card Media in Islamic Elementary Schools
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1797
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