Adi Chandranata, Roza Susanti, Ade Hakimi Putri
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1844
Efforts to make weight and height-measuring devices have been carried out by
several researchers, including Fadli (RIDHO, 2016), who designed and built an ideal
weight and height-measuring device based on a microcontroller. (EKO PRAYOGA,
2017) also developed a weight and height measuring system that uses a microcontroller
AT89S51. Furthermore, there is research on developing integrated digital height and
weight-measuring instruments (Iswandy & Suhemi, 2017). Dila Taufik has also made the
weight and height measurement system display sound output and LCD. Therefore, in the
design of this tool, a height and weight measuring instrument was developed whose
measurement results included ideal, fat, and thin information, which is presented in the
form of writing on the LCD and in the form of sound on the speaker (NIRWANTO, n.d.).
Thus, height and weight measurements become more accessible, faster, practical,
accurate, and complete with ideal weight information (Cahyono & Suprayitno, 2018).
The purpose of this study is to provide an instrument that can be used to measure
height and weight and whether or not a person's body is ideal.
Research Methods
The design of this tool consists of several main parts, namely the Microcontroller
and ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, a 180 kg load cell, and a push-button as input to the
microcontroller. The ultrasonic sensor acts as a height reader, the load cell acts as a weight
reader, and the push button acts as an input for the user's gender choice as input to the
microcontroller, which will be processed and produce number output through the LCD
and the form of sound through the speaker. Voice data is first recorded and then stored in
an SD Card in WAV format. For the microcontroller to access data on the SD Card, an
SD Card module must be used to communicate with the microcontroller.
Electronica/Hardware Planning
In hardware design, from push buttons, ultrasonic sensors, and load cells to LCD
performers and sound output through speakers that output results from height and weight
Ultrasonic Sensor Family (HC-SR04)
Figure 1. Design of Ultrasonic Sensor to Microcontroller
The tests in this section relate to the accuracy of the ultrasonic sensor HCSR-04 in
measuring distances according to the design in Figure 23. The circuit from the ultrasonic
sensor (HC-SR04) to the microcontroller (Arduino UNO) is as follows: VCC pin
connected to pin 5V, GND to GND, trigger pin to pin 6, and echo pin to pin 7. This test
is done by comparing the actual height with the high reading on the sensor.
Heavy Sensor Network (Load Cell)