pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 4 April 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1400
A Case of Tuberculous Peritonitis Accompanied By
Tuberculous Pleuritis
Larasati A.Wahyu
, Pramarta Y. Dwiputra
Department of Internal Medicine Buleleng Regional General Hospital Bali, Indonesian
Keywords: TB
Peritonitis, TB Pleurisy,
Ascites, Effusion, Body
Fluid Analysis.
Tuberculous peritonitis is a form of extrapulmonary
tuberculosis, a peritoneal or visceral inflammation caused by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease is rarely
independent but is usually a continuation of the tuberculosis
process elsewhere, especially pulmonary tuberculosis. We
report a case of TB peritonitis accompanied by TB pleurisy,
a 29-year-old female patient with complaints of an enlarged
abdomen, heartburn, fever, diarrhea, and decreased appetite.
Treatment history was Acitral, Zinc, and Metronidazole. On
physical examination, it was found that the general condition
was weak, and the axilla temperature was 39.5ºC. Thorax
examination: decreased vesicular sound on the left chest.
Abdominal examination found distension, epigastric
tenderness, undulation, shifting dullness, checkerboard
phenomenon, and increased bowel noise. Laboratory
examination of complete blood within normal limits.
Complete stool; yellow color, mucus (+), leukocytes 4-
6/LPB, bacteria (+). The thorax photo showed left pleural
effusion, BOF 3 position: ascites. Abdominal ultrasound
results: thickening of the peritoneum, ascites, suspected TB
peritonitis. Results of ascites and pleural fluid analysis:
rivalta (+) and Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) increased.
From anamnesis, physical examination and supporting
examination can be established to diagnose TB peritonitis
and TB pleuritis, followed by OAT therapy and FDC for 12
months. From this case, it can be concluded that clinical and
supporting examinations (radiology) are needed to diagnose
correctly, and body fluid analysis examinations can help
confirm the diagnosis.
The successful completion of a project is the goal of carrying out a project, where
the project is a unique activity and has a period (end); then, the success of the completion
of a project will be determined at the end of the project (Vaid & C. Kane, 2017). The
classic criterion of practice is the measure of a project's direct performance against its
main design parameters, schedule (time), budget (cost), scope, and quality, which the
A Case of Tuberculous Peritonitis Accompanied By Tuberculous Pleuritis
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1401
literature tends to refer to as measures of project management success. This definition
was already established in the earliest discussions of projects in the management literature
(De Saram & Friedland, 2019).
Delays in construction projects refer to situations where the project is not completed
according to the planned schedule. This means construction work took longer than
expected in the initial planning (Dahale et al., 2021). Delays in construction projects can
occur for various reasons, including those previously mentioned, such as scope changes,
lousy weather, obstacles in obtaining permits, delays in shipping materials, and other
issues. A budget for a construction project means that the project's cost exceeds the budget
set or planned in the initial planning (Atzori, Vidili, & Delitala, 2012). In this situation,
the actual expenditure on a construction project exceeds a predetermined estimated cost.
In a construction project, delays and overbudgets will affect the project's
performance, which also affects the performance of the construction company working
on the project (Wibowo, 2023). In this study, the research object used is PT WER, where
PT. WER is a company engaged in construction and PT. WER has applied project
management knowledge to its construction projects (Pramugaria et al., 2017). At PT.
WER currently has a problem where in the July 2023 period, there are 84 ongoing
projects, of which 18 projects are overbudgeted according to CPI calculations, and there
are 49 projects experiencing delays according to SPI calculations as illustrated in Figure
1 below:
Figure 1 The Project is late and over budget at PT. WER
Of the 18 (eighteen) projects that experienced overbudget, including four road and
bridge type projects, five water building type projects, three building type projects, one
transmission and distribution type project, 3 EPC type projects, and two railway type
projects, as illustrated in Figure 2 TB peritonitis is a form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis,
a peritoneal or visceral inflammation caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis1. The most
common sites of extrapulmonary TB in the body are the lymph nodes, bones, joints,
pleura, spinal cord, brain, and abdominal cavity (Chen et al., 2021). The disease rarely
stands alone but usually continues the tuberculosis process elsewhere, especially
pulmonary tuberculosis 2.
Larasati A.Wahyu, Pramarta Y. Dwiputra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1402
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are 8.6 million cases
of TB, 80% in 22 countries (Zirta, Uyainah, & PN, 2015). Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis
occurs in about 20% of tuberculosis, while abdominal tuberculosis accounts for about
10% of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. The incidence and severity of abdominal TB have
been reported to increase with the rising incidence of TB and HIV infection2. TB
peritonitis is a rare type of abdominal TB, reported to occur in less than 5% of all TB
patients (Sudirman, 2018). TB peritonitis cases are often found in individuals aged 25-45
years, with a female-to-male ratio of 1.5:13.
TB peritonitis infection develops slowly and is characterized by nonspecific
symptoms, so delayed diagnosis can increase morbidity and mortality (Murlistyarini,
Prawitasari, & Setyowatie, 2018). Patients with TB peritonitis usually present with
symptoms lasting 1-12 months and present with symptoms of abdominal pain, weight
loss, loss of appetite, fever, diarrhea, constipation, rectal bleeding, edema, and ascites,
which require specific investigations to diagnose4.
The following case report will report a patient with TB peritonitis accompanied by
TB pleurisy.
Research Methods
A 29-year-old woman came to the emergency room of the Buleleng Regional
General Hospital with complaints of an enlarged abdomen and fever; the complaints had
appeared for ± 19 days SMRS, and complaints accompanied by heartburn complaints
such as nausea and vomiting were denied. Other complaints are liquid stools with a
frequency of 2-3 times a day accompanied by mucus, without blood since ± 19 days ago,
urination within normal limits, and decreased appetite. Complaints, such as coughing,
tightness, and weight loss, are denied. Menstruation is within normal limits. The patient
said he had no previous history of illness. Treatment history: The patient took Acitral 3x1,
Zinc 1x1, and Metronidazole 3x500 mg, obtained from a general practitioner.
The physical examination revealed a weak general condition, compos mentis
consciousness, blood pressure 120/80, pulse 90x, respiration 20x, axilla temperature
39.5ºC, Spo2 99% on room air. Body weight is 50kg, height is 160 cm, and BMI is 19.5
kg/m2 (average weight).
On examination of the head and neck, there was no anemia, icterus, cyanosis, oral
candidiasis on the tongue, enlarged lymph nodes, or increased JVP. On thorax
examination and chest inspection, there was a symmetrical movement of the chest wall,
no retraction, and normal fremitus; on auscultation, typical vesicular sound in the right
chest, and decreased vesicular sound in the left chest, no rhonchi and wheezing. Cardiac
examination was within normal limits with no murmurs, gallops, or extrasystoles.
Abdominal examination; inspection found distension, on palpation; muscular
defans (-) epigastric tenderness (+), undulation (+), on percussion; shifting dullness (+),
checkerboard phenomenon (+), on auscultation found increased bowel noise.
Examination of extremities: warm (+) on all four extremities, edema (-), CRT < 2 seconds.
A Case of Tuberculous Peritonitis Accompanied By Tuberculous Pleuritis
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1403
From the results of the complete blood laboratory examination; WBC: 5.58
10^3/µL, HGB: 11.2 g/dL, MCV: 81.0 fL, MCH, 26.5 pg, PLT 381 10^3/µL, GDA: 90
mg/dL, Ureum: 14.0 mg/dL, Serum Creatinine: 0.56 mg/dL, SGOT; 25.3, SGPT: 21.4,
Sodium: 134.2 mmol/L, Potassium: 4.06 mmol/L, Chloride: 98.9 mmol/L, Albumin: 4.25
g/dl. Upon complete urine examination, the results were within normal limits. Complete
stool; yellow color, mucus (+), blood (-) leukocytes 4-6 / LPB, bacteria (+), worms (-),
fungi (-), amoeba (-). On the thorax photo was an impression of left pleural effusion,
ECG: within normal limits, BOF 3 position: there were ascites, no ileus, and
pneumoperitoneum. Abdominal ultrasound results: thickening of the peritoneum, ascites,
suspected TB peritonitis, Liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, buli-buli, and
uterus within normal limits. The rapid molecular test (TCM) and HIV test were negative.
The patient was diagnosed with the observation of ascites ec suspected TB, pleural
effusion ec suspected TB, and Acute Gastroenteritis. The next plan is to ascite pleural
puncture and perform fluid analysis. Therapy given: Nacl 0.9% 20 tpm, Paracetamol 1gr
IV (if fever), Ceftriaxone 1x2gr IV, Lanzoprasole 1x30 mg IV, Ondancentron 3x4 mg IV,
Furosemide 40 mg PO, Spironolactone 100 mg (PO).
Ascitic fluid analysis results; rival (+), Adenosine Deaminase (ADA): 56.51 U/L,
on pleural fluid analysis; Leukocyte cell count: 1584 cells/uL, protein 5.9 g/dL, rivals (+),
Adenosine Deaminase (ADA): 50.28 U/L, Pleural LDH: 680, histopathologic
examination of the fluid; there were no malignant cells. Diagnosis: TB peritonitis and TB
pleurisy, followed by OAT therapy; FDC 1x3 tab. The patient was hospitalized for five
days with an improved condition, then the Anti Tuberculosis Drug therapy program for
12 months.
Results and Discussion
TB peritonitis has nonspecific clinical symptoms. The most common complaints
are abdominal pain (73%) and ascites (93%), followed by loss of appetite and weight,
nausea, vomiting, cough, fever (58%), diarrhea, constipation, and night sweats; ascites
can be caused by peritoneal tuberculosis or can originate from liver disease, malignancy,
heart, kidney and other infectious diseases5 (Febrianto, 2019). Peritoneal TB with ascites
may have less tenderness than pyogenic peritonitis with perforation5. Peritoneal TB has
been classified as the more common "wet type," characterized by ascites, and the rarer
"plastic or fibroadhesive type," which manifests as an abdominal mass of adherent bowel
TB can reach the peritoneum hematogenous via the lymphatic system, from
ingestion of contaminated sputum from pulmonary TB, contaminated food (especially
unpasteurized milk in the case of Mycobacterium bovis), or through direct contact from
adjacent foci of infection7 (JUWITA, 2013).
In tuberculous peritonitis, clinical symptoms are non-specific or variable.
Complaints and symptoms occur slowly over months, so patients are often unaware of
their condition. Complaints range from 2 weeks to 2 years, with an average of more than
16 weeks7.
Larasati A.Wahyu, Pramarta Y. Dwiputra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1404
On physical examination of patients with tuberculous peritonitis, the most common
symptoms are fever, ascites, abdominal swelling, abdominal pain, pallor and fatigue,
pleural effusion, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, intra-abdominal tumor, checkerboard
phenomenon, lymphadenopathy, and lung & pleural involvement (based on chest
photograph)7. Infection of the adjacent pleura may reach the peritoneum, resulting in
peritoneal tuberculosis. Pleural effusion is observed in 22 to 32% of patients with
peritoneal tuberculosis and pulmonary source in 15 to 20% of cases8.
No single test can effectively rule out the diagnosis of peritoneal TB. TB, and a
combination of socio-epidemiologic history (e.g., travel, homelessness, incarceration,
sick contacts, drug use) and immunologic risk assessment is essential. Classic symptoms
such as fever, weight loss, and night sweats may be absent8.
The patient was directed to the diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis and pleural
tuberculosis based on several symptoms such as an enlarged abdomen, fever,
gastrointestinal complaints such as diarrhea, and typical signs of tuberculous peritonitis,
namely the checkerboard phenomenon and unilateral pleural effusion (often, pleural
effusion is unilateral, mild to moderate in volume, which is 25 to 75% of patients)8.
Furthermore, evaluation with other supporting examinations should be done to confirm
the diagnosis since most of the patients' complaints are not typical symptoms9.
Patients were evaluated for etiology according to standard protocols. Complete
blood count, liver function tests, renal function tests, chest X-ray, abdominal
ultrasonography, and ascitic fluid analysis, including cell count, albumin, protein, and
Adenosine Deaminase Activity (ADA)9.
Changes in hematological indices, including white blood cell count and erythrocyte
sedimentation rate, are nonspecific. Mild to moderate normochromic, normocytic anemia
and thrombocytosis are frequent findings. The white blood cell (WBC) count is usually
average, but lymphomonocytosis is uncommon10. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is
almost always elevated in at least 50% of cases. Usually, in TB peritonitis, the ascitic
fluid is straw-colored with protein >30g/L and a total cell count of 500-1500/ìl,
predominantly lymphocytes (>70%). A low serum-ascites albumin gradient (<11 g/L) is
seen in 100% of patients with TB peritonitis, but the specificity remains low. Due to its
low accuracy, ascites LDH measurement is not routinely used10. In TB pleurisy,
biochemical features include elevated protein levels of more than 4.5 g/dL and slightly
elevated DHL10. The diagnosis of TB pleurisy is usually made through a combination of
clinical history, pleural fluid analysis (predominantly lymphocytic cell count, protein
concentration >3.0 g/dL, elevated lactate dehydrogenase often >500 IU/L, and glucose
level <60 mg/dL), positive culture in sputum or pleural fluid, and positive ADA level >40
Ultrasound is an essential tool for diagnosing peritoneal tuberculosis due to its
accessibility, low cost, and ease of performance. Ultrasound is diagnosis-oriented and
should be the first diagnostic investigation if peritoneal tuberculosis is suspected,
especially in high-risk populations11,12.
A Case of Tuberculous Peritonitis Accompanied By Tuberculous Pleuritis
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In TB peritonitis, the most common ultrasound result is ascites (84.2%); ascites are
easy to recognize and appear to echo if it is free fluid without debris. The presence of
internal echoes is characteristic of exudative ascites. Peritoneal thickening (89.4%),
omental thickening (73.6%), sonography is more sensitive than CT in detecting diffuse
peritoneal thickening, especially in the presence of ascites, which is usually found in
chronic inflammation. Mesentery involvement is joint and can be found in the early
stages. It is characterized by wall thickening and is associated with increased echogenicity
and multiple lymph nodes. Other abdominal lesions are as follows: Splenic nodules,
ileocaecal involvement, and hepatic nodules; in advanced stages of the disease, lymph
nodes can be visualized sonographically as hypoechoic areas with irregular borders due
to ossified conglomerates of necrosis12.
Adenosine Deaminase Activity (ADA) has been studied in body fluids, including
ascitic fluid, to diagnose TB peritonitis and has been shown to have high sensitivity and
specificity12. Tuberculous peritonitis shows increased ascitic fluid adenosine deaminase
(ADA) levels to more than 36 U/L. While serum ADA levels also increased to more than
54 U/L, the ratio of ascitic fluid ADA to serum ADA was above 0.98. The presence of all
these findings indicates the presence of tuberculosis. ADA acts as a catalytic enzyme in
the deamination of adenosine nucleosidase into inosine nucleosidase. ADA is found in
lymphocytes, and stimulation of lymphocytes increases ADA activity in body fluids. This
lymphocyte stimulation is caused by the tuberculosis bacteria, which activates the cellular
immune response and, in turn, increases ADA levels. In studies using meta-analysis and
systematic review, the results of data calculated from 20 studies, including studies that
had a total of 2,291 patients, showed a pooled sensitivity of 0.90 (95% CI: 0.85 -0.94), a
pooled specificity of 0.94 (95% CI: 0.92 - 0.95), and a DOR of 149 (95% CI: 86255).
The pooled analysis results suggested a clinically significant diagnostic value of ascitic
fluid ADA for tuberculous peritonitis12,13. In patients with pleural tuberculosis, where
ADA testing can also establish the diagnosis, ADA quantification is an enzyme produced
by macrophages and activated T lymphocytes. This quantification is usually elevated, i.e.,
levels higher than 40 U/L. It is necessary to consider differential diagnosis with other
pathologies such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, lymphoma, some
adenocarcinomas, and empyema. The sensitivity of this method varies from 90 to 100%,
and its specificity ranges from 89 to 100%. This method of diagnosis is more sensitive
for pleural tuberculosis than pleural histopathologic examination and bacteriologic
Many doctors prefer a combination of clinical examination with other methods,
such as laparoscopic biopsy and histopathological examination of peritoneal tissue (which
can show caseation necrosis), acid-fast bacilli (AFB) staining, as well as radio-imaging
techniques such as abdominal computed tomography (CT) scanning for diagnosis.
However, all these methods are time-consuming, expensive, insensitive, invasive, or non-
specific, making them ineffective in daily practice. While CT scans show non-specific
findings, both cultures and smears fail to yield positive results. No more than 3% of cases
show positive AFB smears, while only 20% show positive cultures13. Complications of
Larasati A.Wahyu, Pramarta Y. Dwiputra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1406
laparoscopy include bowel perforation, bleeding, infection, and death, but these are rare
and seen in <3% of cases. Complications may be more common in fibroadhesive types13.
Treatment of tuberculous peritonitis is the same as for pulmonary tuberculosis, i.e.,
patients should receive at least six months of therapy. Patients who have not received
treatment and are not resistant to oral antituberculosis drugs are treated with a first-line
regimen consisting of an initial phase including Isoniazid 5 mg/kgBW, 15 mg/kgBW
Etambutol, Rifampicin 10 mg/kgBW, and Pyrazinamide 25 mg/kgBW given daily for
two months, then an advanced phase including a combination of Isoniazid (10 mg/kg
BW) and Rifampicin (30mg/kg BW) 3x a week for four months. This therapy guideline
gives good results after two months. Tuberculous peritonitis can be treated for 9-12
months (2HRZE/710RH). The treatment guideline can use a Fixed Drug Combination
(FDC), which consists of a combination of 2 or 4 types of drugs in one tablet with a dose
according to the patient's weight packaged in a package for one patient consisting of an
intensive phase every day for 56 days RHZE (150/75/400/275), and an advanced stage of
7 to 10 months RH (150/150) 3x a week. This guidance may improve patient
Early diagnosis, immediate treatment, and follow-up of TB peritonitis are essential
to reduce mortality from the disease. From this case, it can be concluded that clinical and
supporting examinations (radiology) are needed to make the correct diagnosis, and body
fluid analysis examination can help confirm the diagnosis, with the advantages of being
non-invasive, easy to perform, cost-effective, and primarily available in health facilities.
A Case of Tuberculous Peritonitis Accompanied By Tuberculous Pleuritis
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1407
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