Herry Polontoh, Frans Reum
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1460
without accountability or at least reducing such risks (Shania, Sanusi, & Darmawan,
In general, in the law of security whose object is movable property, the debtor
cannot transfer, mortgage, or lease to another party the object that is the object of fiduciary
guarantee unless the object is an inventory object. However, in the context of fiduciary
guarantees, the transfer of such objects may be permissible, provided there must be notice
to or consent from the creditor. This is not allowed if the debtor transfers the object of the
fiduciary guarantee without being known or without the creditor's consent (Hamka,
Suppose the creditor transfers the object of the fiduciary guarantee without the
written consent of the fiduciary recipient. In that case, it will violate the legal provisions
stipulated in Law No. 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantee. Article 23, paragraph
2 of the law states that a fiduciary is prohibited from transferring, mortgaging, or leasing
to another party the object of the fiduciary guarantee unless it is an object of stock, and
even for that, the prior written consent of the fiduciary beneficiary is required.
Furthermore, Article 36, paragraph 2 of the same law states that if the fiduciary violates
the provision by transferring, mortgaging, or leasing the object of the fiduciary guarantee
without the written consent of the fiduciary recipient, then the fiduciary may be subject
to imprisonment for a maximum of 2 years and a maximum fine of Rp.50,000,000,-.
A legal provision provides criminal sanctions against fiduciaries who violate the
rules regarding the transfer of fiduciary guarantee objects without the written consent of
the fiduciary recipient. This aims to maintain integrity and trust in the relationship
between fiduciaries and recipients and maintain legal certainty in fiduciary guarantee
transactions. Meanwhile, from a civil law perspective, the debtor is legally liable if it
transfers or leases the object of the fiduciary guarantee to another party without the
written consent of the fiduciary beneficiary. Based on the debtor's actions, this can be
considered a violation of the previously agreed agreement. According to Article 1243 of
the Civil Code, debtors must reimburse costs, losses, and interest arising from non-
fulfillment of an agreement. This obligation applies when the debtor, despite being
declared negligent, does not fulfill the obligations stipulated in the contract. The same
applies if the agreement can be executed only after the deadline.
Article 1234 of the Civil Code contains legal elements such as the existence of an
agreement, there is one party who breaks the promise or violates the terms of the
agreement, and even though it has been declared negligent, it still does not implement the
contents of the agreement. Then, according to Article 1267 of the Civil Code, the party
that suffers a loss has the right to choose between two actions. First, they can force the
other party to comply with the agreement made if it is still possible. Second, they can also
file a claim for cancellation of the agreement while demanding reimbursement of costs,
losses, and interest that may arise due to the breach of the agreement.
The study results concluded that the provision of fiduciaries from the perspective
of civil law and bankruptcy law provides a clear legal basis for fulfilling agreements and
protecting the rights of parties involved in transactions. It can then increase trust among