Frasetyo Angga Saputra, Dwi Prastowo Darminto, Syaril Djaddang
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1324
businesses that disclose them has grown annually. In 2005, there was just one company,
but by 2014, there were sixty. This illustrates how businesses are increasingly concerned
with social, environmental, and economic sustainability. (Simbolon&Sueb, 2016).
Profitability's Impact on Price and Book Worth
Your study findings demonstrate that the profitability variable increases a
company's worth. Since profitability is A metric indicating whether an organization may
make money, preserving profitability is one strategy to ensure longevity. (Tri Indah K,
2022). The research results do not rule removing the notion that "Price Book Value is
significantly impacted by profitability." Previous studies conducted by (Dessriadi,
Harsuti, Muntahanah, & Murdijaningsih, 2022) (Riny, 2021) and (Maharani illustrate that
this business worth is significantly favorably impacting profitability. Additionally, the
findings of a study carried out by Djawoto, 2020) discovered proof that business value is
positively and significantly affected by profit, which is measured based on investment
return (also called ROA). Nevertheless, the research carried out by (Aulia Rahma
Khusnul Khotimah et al., 2022) demonstrates the contrary, namely that business value is
not much impacted by efficiency (ROA).
Leverage's Impact on Price and Volume
A linear study reveals the existence of the two debts and corporate worth. Their
ratio, known as leverage, determines how much of the organization's financial resources
are funded by debt. This indicates the company's debt load ratio to The things It has.
Leverage proportions: I have become accustomed to assessing an organization's capacity
by having short meetings and extended financial duties. (Sriwahyuni, 2016) This research
is supported by (Eka Amalia, 2018). The factors Profitability (X1) and Company Size
(X3) are known to affect Online Monitoring on Green or Finance (Y) based on t statistical
testing. Leverage (X2) has zero impact via monetary or environmental statements via
online platforms. (Y), however.
Research findings have established that the Internet's financial performance
characteristic does not impact business value. The intrinsic worth of stocks on their own
varies less than their reserve worth (undervaluation), which is the reason for the adverse
market reaction even if the IFR implementation status is satisfactory and the amount of
information disclosure is sufficient. As stated by (Lubis, 2017), The goal of implementing
web accounting procedures is to help companies become more credible by providing them
with facts about finances and non-finance with their operations and detailed outcomes
demonstrating that business value was unaffected by the sustainability reporting variable.
To support a company's sustainable growth, sustainability reporting contains non-
financial information and financial performance, such as social and environmental
actions. Sustainability reports do not affect company value since all 16 firms studied had
negative economic value added (EVA) values; only two companies have positive EVA
values. Since 2011, mining businesses have been subject to intense pressure, which has
resulted in this drop. This state of affairs is a result of the global economic crisis and